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Homeschool New Year resolution

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I will meet my child's needs and stop worrying so much.

This will probably be my hardest resolution I have ever made. I waste tons of time worrying about not missing anything. What I'm missing is enjoying time with my son.

This is one New Year's resolution I will keep!

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OK today I turnover a new leaf. I am making a list to keep me on target. I will post here because it makes me feel accountable.

**My son learns best by reading and being read to. Reading will become the main focus of our day.

**I will remember how much I LOVE snuggling with my little guy and reading.

** I will not focus on having written output to show. No more unnecessary worksheets/curriculum.

**I will be patient and loving when working on writing. Quality not quantity.

**We will explore his interest. I will be as excited as him. I will not worry that it is not on MY checklist.

**I will not look for a new, better curriculum if what we have is working.

**I will cherish every day!


This is my starting list. I am sure I will add to it. I already feel more relaxed.



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I will relinquish more control. If it is done well, it doesn't have to be done my way.

I will relinquish more control. If it is done well, it doesn't have to be done my way.

I will relinquish more control. If it is done well, it doesn't have to be done my way.


I just have to keep saying it. My kids are growing up and are ready for more responsibility. I need to let them have it.

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Mine is "Littlest ones first". No matter what, I'm working with the 5 yro first. Then, the 7 yro. I feel like my youngest two are constantly being swept away so the oldest two kids can work. :glare: House at Pooh Corner is just as important as The Wanderings of Odysseus.

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Simplify curriculum (working hard on that one this week). Be consistent with our routines and schedule (so that important things are not left off). Be completely organized before CC and tutoring start up again in 6 days. Give them my eyes. Love on them more. Remember what is most important through this trial (ds 8 has leukemia and I am in my third trimester) and minister to their hearts so that this is not just a time of survival, but of rich life lessons. Look forward to easier seasons but cherish this baby, who very likely is the last. Plan meals and grocery shop online so poor dh doesn't always have to scrape something together. Make sure I thank dh and all those who are helping carry us through this......Grow closer to the Lord...

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Get everyone else organized in the way that works best for *each person*, not just me.

- For DH, this means a magazine file inbox with colored and labeled folders: work for the kid to do, for DH to grade, for me to log grades, and for kid to file in his binders.

- For DS, this meant moving his schedule out of the paper planner and into Outlook where he can easily click links, make task lists, and view upcoming things at a glance. *A perk for me is that it's easier to rearrange when I can drag and drop daily assignments.

- For DD, this means having her set goals of what she'll accomplish each week based upon when she's at work, and sitting down once a week over coffee/meal/snack to discuss.


Not stress if we're "behind schedule" because we homeschool year round and we'll get done when we get done. Whenever that happens to be.

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