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Lincoln Movie


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Wow . . .


It may be too early to start discussing any spoilers, but this is the first movie I have attended in ages where I did not hear a peep from the audience, and at the end of a Saturday afternoon matinee in a packed theater, the audience sat in complete silence to watch the credits roll.


I do think someone in the producer end of things overrode Spielberg-- it looked to me like the ending had been shot, and then some Hollywood type said, "No no no, we need aplashier ending!" so a different ending was tacked on before the final speech. When you watch I think you'll know what I mean whether you agree with my assessment or not.


My only regret is that I do think it will be a few years yet before my guys are going to be capable of sitting through and appreciating this movie-- maybe upper logic state/early rhetoric stage.


I was pleased by spending my time watching this one-- I enjoyed Argo, too, but this one was even better, IMHO.

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One of my former professors was just blindsided by how good this movie is.


I had studied Lincoln for probably two years or more, topping it off with a trip to Springfield, and other various landmarks associated with him.


On our trip back home, we stopped in the middle of the night to watch a comet go across the sky. That was pretty incredible, and a great way to wrap it all up.


The one Lincoln saw was Dontai's comet. I started collecting comet cut American glass after that. Pretty cool stuff. They used to host "end of the world" parties..as they didn't understand back then that it wasn't going to crash into earth and be the end of all things.


Some things never change.

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We saw it last night. I thought parts of it really dragged, especially at first. I wasn't expecting an "action" movie at all. I knew it wasn't, but it still seemed very long. Daniel Day Lewis's voice also bugged me. He just wasn't what I pictured Lincoln to be or to sound like. I didn't think he was awful, just not what I expected. Some parts of the movie were bright spots, though I don't want to give away too much so I won't go into detail. A mixed review from me.

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By all accounts, Lincoln did have a surprisingly high voice. But still, Daniel Day Lewis was a little off for me, and Sally Fields was much much better than I hoped.


I have a question for anyone who might know. In many scene - cabinet meets, office scenes, even home life scenes, there were small parcels wrapped in brown paper stacked on desks and dressers. What was that all about? Just a detail I was curious about.

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I do think someone in the producer end of things overrode Spielberg-- it looked to me like the ending had been shot, and then some Hollywood type said, "No no no, we need aplashier ending!" so a different ending was tacked on before the final speech. When you watch I think you'll know what I mean whether you agree with my assessment or not.



I agree completely on this one. I figured the credits would roll after that one bit, which would have been a perfect ending, but then they decided to tack on those last few scenes which were unnecessary IMO. Though I do think they wanted to get that one famous quote in that was said at the very end before the final speech. (trying to be cryptic here to not spoil the ending)


We saw it last night. I thought parts of it really dragged, especially at first. I wasn't expecting an "action" movie at all. I knew it wasn't, but it still seemed very long. Daniel Day Lewis's voice also bugged me. He just wasn't what I pictured Lincoln to be or to sound like.


I've read his voice did sound like that. Also, many (if not all, not sure) of the stories he told in the film were ones he actually told to people. I know the George Washington story was one that he told, as DH read it in a book about Lincoln a few months before we saw the movie.


I did find some parts of the movie slow, mainly because it was a lot of political talk. I didn't know when I watched the movie that it'd be about just that one bill, I thought it'd cover a bit more of his life.

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I have a question for anyone who might know. In many scene - cabinet meets, office scenes, even home life scenes, there were small parcels wrapped in brown paper stacked on desks and dressers. What was that all about? Just a detail I was curious about.



I am so glad somebody else wondered about that too!!


I have no answers, but I did also notice that in the movie and wondered about it.

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I agree completely on this one. I figured the credits would roll after that one bit, which would have been a perfect ending, but then they decided to tack on those last few scenes which were unnecessary IMO. Though I do think they wanted to get that one famous quote in that was said at the very end before the final speech. (trying to be cryptic here...


I thought it was over, too, and was baffled that they didn't end it then. We even joked around about it, comparing it to the Return of the King's multiple endings.

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