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It feels really good having middle son home...


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It's actually a little ironic thinking of him being home... Last night he left to do an alumni visit with his youth group and didn't return until long after I'd gone to bed. Today I'm heading to school (he's sleeping in), then later he's going to church to practice for a week that he's singing. We probably won't actually meet up until 4pm or so, but tonight I'm planning on letting him pick the meal I fix (among quick fix home made meals) and we'll pull out the Christmas videos. Then we'll decorate the tree. Today's the last day of school. It was tempting to stay home, but since he plans on sleeping in, then heading to church, I didn't quite see why I should.


Part of me is hoping we'll be in the line for a blizzard sometime in the next 3 weeks so we get some extended time together in the house playing board games and our other usual blizzard activities (without feeling guilty for dropping our regular work/extra curriculars schedule).


But it's still nice having him back home. I love catching up in person. Youngest is absolutely loving having him home too. Their conversation was almost non-stop - pretty much all science and club stuff. I love how close they are.


I hope everyone gets to enjoy their returnees!

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Hi Creekland! Ds is home from UR too-arrived on the 21st. We are all soaking up the love. LOL. His brothers also seem very happy to hang out with him and they've had a couple of rousing Super Smash Brothers tourneys in the basement. Who knew that old game would have such a long life! I'm trying to spoil him while he's here. There may not be many more chances.


Isn't it nice when they do turn out to be close? I had my fears about this when they were younger, but all seems well now. : )

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Catherine, did your guy get slowed by the snow on the 21st? My guy was showing me Facebook photos and said the airport (or maybe airline?) was buying pizza for students who had delayed flights. It seemed like quite the college thing to do... but I'm glad my guy beat the storm.


We're supposed to start getting snow/ice tonight. I might get my wish of time spent in (although the accumulation levels don't look to be that high).

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