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This virus is ruining my December!

Tess in the Burbs

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I got sick right after Thanksgiving. One day of fever, tons of coughing and eventually Dr said Bronchitis. I am on week 3 and still coughing a lot. My dd got sick a week ago but hers has been high fever for 6 days and coughing. Now she's got other stomach issues. Ds started coughing yesterday. Like me, he's just all cough, no fever. He feels 'crappy' he said. Considering how it's already going on 3 weeks for me, and how sick dd has been, I figure ds will have at least 2 weeks...his asthma will make this all much worse than dd.


So Dd has missed a week of gymanstics practice, will miss her meet on Sunday. We cancelled our Great Wolf Lodge trip for SUnday/Monday. And with Ds sick he still won't be able to do the scout holiday party.


UGH! We haven't done school all month. This virus is nasty! I figure Dh will get sick by next week and our Christmas will be miserable. It's Ds birthday on Christmas. I have what, 10 days?, to get him better before his birthday?


I just want to run away to an island and drink fruity drinks and be WELL!


done venting

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We've all been hit by something worse than a cold but not as bad as the flu. Low grade fever on and off, sore throats, congestion that will. not. go. away. Oldest is on day 10 of it. Middle on day 7. Youngest and I had it worst and we're on Day 5 and still trying to breath and stop coughing. The other two still have coughs. According to our Pediatrician's nurse it's going around and it's not strep - just a very ugly cold. I wish it would go away. So much I had planned to do this past week did not happen at all. :(



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