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A few Sonlight questions about combining...


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I am considering switching back to Sonlight next year. I don't want to be running 3 separate cores in the near future. I am considering putting my oldest in Core C for 3rd grade. I am using p4/5 with my kindergartner this year and am considering stretching Core A over two years. This would put him finishing Core A in second grade and allowing my current 3 year old to join in when she is kindergarten age.


However, this would put my son at the top of the recommended age range and my middle DD at the bottom of the age range. I would have a 2nd grader and k'er in Core A. Then, a 3rd grader and 1st grader in Core B.


I'm really wanting to go back to Sonlight, but this is where I start to question it. I feel like my son will be not doing work quite difficult enough, and my daughter will be doing work that's over her head. I would love to put everyone in a core that they would be in the very middle of the age range... but that requires a separate core for everyone.


So, does it work out in the end?

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When we first started SL I ordered K for my 5 year old son. I wanted him to have something to do -- he hated writing/coloring and refused to learn to read. But liked to be read to. At that point dd was 7. She had a long list of academic accomplishment and was working a couple years ahead in most things.


When the SL arrived it was pretty amazing because dd thrived with it too. It was not meant for her but she loved it. My son learned what he was supposed to I think. A broad scope of info with some details fixed in his mind. Dd took the info a learned it all sometimes expanding on it.


The great thing was our family was excited about the same exact things. Ds was far more interested because dd loved it too.


We have carried on with SL or that style throughout the years. Matched more to ds level then dd. She still joins us and does her own thing on the side if needed. She simply requires more -- disiplined and academic to an extreme.


I think what you are planning sounds good. Two cores is possible. Dd has her own now too. I can't imagine doing three. A close friend tried and burned out. Two of her kids could have been combined and had been previously.

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It is a tough decision, isn't it?


If I continue with Sonlight (and I'm undecided as of yet, though I am *really* enjoying P4/5 and D this year, and I'm at least continuing with E next year!), I would have to do something similar. In my case, I think it would work because my youngest is advanced and my middle one is on the lower end of understanding the material. So they should combine well. At this point, I could not combine my oldest and middle child, because oldest is advanced (Core D is absolutely perfect for him in 3rd grade - he's understanding everything very well, and we're having great discussions). One thing I have decided is that if we continue with Sonlight, I'd like to hit Cores B and G at the same time. That would have oldest in 6th, middle in 3rd, and youngest in 1st. They'd be all doing the same time period, but have all their own level books. My problem? I think SOTW would be too light as a spine for my oldest in 6th grade. He understood it in 1st grade and has read the series a gazillion times since then. I'd definitely need a beefier spine, and if I'm swapping out spines, it kind of defeats the purpose of using Sonlight for me.


I think most kids do fine on the older end of the age range, so you'll probably do ok as long as the younger one is able to keep up on the younger end. I know my middle son could NOT handle being on the younger end of a core... at least not now (this could change, as he often has noticeable jumps in ability to understand things). I went with P4/5 for his K year, despite him being an older K'er (turned 6 last month), because he is really not ready for the longer, pictureless reading of Core A. P4/5 has been absolutely perfect for him. So I like him being on the older end of the core. I don't think my oldest would do as well on the older end of a core, but he reads history encyclopedias for fun. :p


So far, doing two cores has been easy peasy. I have all the P4/5 materials in a bag, and we sit and "do Sonlight" once a day. Takes less than 30 minutes, and that includes reading Life of Fred with it. My oldest has a history reading and read-aloud that I need to read each day, but those don't take very long either. So probably another 20-30 minutes maybe? I don't spend more than an hour doing the two cores. My oldest then reads the readers on his own. We do not use the LA or Bible (have our own for both of those subjects).

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I am doing the Cores with one child at the high end of the core ages. So far, it is a bit light for my oldest, but I add in notebooking pages and SOTW 1 (with B ) and SOTW2 (with C) that really beef things up, especially if I get to the library and add extra books. I also add in websites and period recipes.


I have also done the cores with the child being in the low end (we did this with Core A). She did just fine and was engaged. The reason I wanted her to be in the middle of the core age instead of low end was because at the beginning of the years, she is always a very young (fill in the blank). She is 8 now in 3rd grade and will not be 9 until 4th grade. That was one reason. The other is I could see her older sister just digesting all the material more in the middle age range, and I wanted that for her. That being said, she did just fine. She understood things, but some things did go over her head.


I think you will do just fine combining your ages, and it is ideal in your situation. I wouldn't worry about it just yet.

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I've always combined my boys in a SL Core based on the older one's age/grade/level. The younger is able to keep up with the Core with the exception of the amount of reading expected so I modify this for him. We use only the history and literature part of the Core, not LA or Bible, though next year we will be reading through (together) the Christian study portion of the Core as an experiment. :)


This year, I am running two SL Cores, but both are in the same history period. All of the kids listen in on the read alouds for both Cores. It is working well for us. I have promised myself that I will not run two SL Cores from two different history periods. :D I may consider combining all three of my kids in one history/literature Core next year and assign level-appropriate independent reading to my youngest child.


I have not looked too closely at next year's choices for my youngest (who will be a second grader). I already have most of the next Core for my boys, though. In order to keep up with the read alouds from both Cores, I am reading the younger's literature read alouds during the summers, both prior to this year and after this year. These are classic literature selections like Charlotte's Web and Mr. Popper's Penguins so they are not tied to the historical period.

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I'm doing A right now for my K student and her brother who is in 2nd sits in for most of it and loves it. If I hadn't already finished A with him, and we are almost done with B I would of combined them this year in A...especially since I have 2 other little ones. Seeing that you have another little one on the way I think your plan sounds good to me :)

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Okay, I took notes in order to respond to your post. I think I have it right but I am not 100% sure. If I am understanding correctly you will have a 3rd grader, a first grader and a 4yo next year. Is that correct? If so may I feel the need to point out that Core C is the second half of World History. I am not sure what you are using right now but if you are using SOTW Ancients or History Odyssey Ancients then you should be fine starting Core C with a 3rd Grader who has already covered the material in Core B. If not may I suggest getting Core B for your 3rd grader and 1st grader and combining them. When you do this you select which readers you want. You would select the 3rd grade readers for one and get the additional LA level 1 for your other child. Then you could use P4/5 with you little one. This would have you purchase only one core this year, two cores next year, C and A (w/K LA,) and then only one per year after that. Also with your next year's purchase you would get the LA/Reader program for grade 2 for the younger one and grade 4/5 for the older one. Once you get to core D all the readers and read alouds pertain to the history topic. Your older two would follow the schedule below through HS if you decided to stick with SL. (I had previously posted this for someone else who had a similar issue.) And your youngest would just progress in order from P4/5-.A-B etc.


1&3 B Intro to world 1

2&4 C Intro to world 2

3&5 D Intro to american 1

4&6 E Intro to american

5&7 F Easter hemisphere

6&8 G Indepth World 1

7&9 H Indepth World 2

8&10 100 American Indepth

9&11 200 History of Gods Kingdom (we are skipping this one because we are not christian)/300 20th Century world History (I would choose this path)

10&12 300/400 Civics /American Government (again I would use the second option

11 400 / 530 British Lit is a college prep course

12 530 /I would suggest American History at the Local CC to fulfill Requirements for graduation if your state requires it.


My dd is in 3rd right now. We started out with SL B+C and then slowed down to the B core pace as it just was too fast. ( I had purchased both IG's at our local consignment shop) She is loving it. So I do not think that your older one would be held back by being at the top of the recommended age group. In fact if you get on SL choosing forum that is what most SL users would recommend that you do. Your younger ones would be fine as well because they would always be at the first recommended age group and you would not have to spread A over two years. While I own an A IG and have looked over it I have not used it yet and won't for several years. However, I have heard many people end up speeding up this core not slowing it down. So if I have your analyzed your situation correctly I think the above would be the best way to progress.

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Okay, I took notes in order to respond to your post. I think I have it right but I am not 100% sure. If I am understanding correctly you will have a 3rd grader, a first grader and a 4yo next year. Is that correct? If so may I feel the need to point out that Core C is the second half of World History. I am not sure what you are using right now but if you are using SOTW Ancients or History Odyssey Ancients then you should be fine starting Core C with a 3rd Grader who has already covered the material in Core B. If not may I suggest getting Core B for your 3rd grader and 1st grader and combining them. When you do this you select which readers you want. You would select the 3rd grade readers for one and get the additional LA level 1 for your other child. Then you could use P4/5 with you little one. This would have you purchase only one core this year, two cores next year, C and A (w/K LA,) and then only one per year after that. Also with your next year's purchase you would get the LA/Reader program for grade 2 for the younger one and grade 4/5 for the older one. Once you get to core D all the readers and read alouds pertain to the history topic. Your older two would follow the schedule below through HS if you decided to stick with SL. (I had previously posted this for someone else who had a similar issue.) And your youngest would just progress in order from P4/5-.A-B etc.


1&3 B Intro to world 1

2&4 C Intro to world 2

3&5 D Intro to american 1

4&6 E Intro to american

5&7 F Easter hemisphere

6&8 G Indepth World 1

7&9 H Indepth World 2

8&10 100 American Indepth

9&11 200 History of Gods Kingdom (we are skipping this one because we are not christian)/300 20th Century world History (I would choose this path)

10&12 300/400 Civics /American Government (again I would use the second option

11 400 / 530 British Lit is a college prep course

12 530 /I would suggest American History at the Local CC to fulfill Requirements for graduation if your state requires it.


My dd is in 3rd right now. We started out with SL B+C and then slowed down to the B core pace as it just was too fast. ( I had purchased both IG's at our local consignment shop) She is loving it. So I do not think that your older one would be held back by being at the top of the recommended age group. In fact if you get on SL choosing forum that is what most SL users would recommend that you do. Your younger ones would be fine as well because they would always be at the first recommended age group and you would not have to spread A over two years. While I own an A IG and have looked over it I have not used it yet and won't for several years. However, I have heard many people end up speeding up this core not slowing it down. So if I have your analyzed your situation correctly I think the above would be the best way to progress.


Thanks for the advice. My reasoning for combining the two middle kids is that there are 2.5 years between my oldest two. My oldest is a girl who could sit for hours with schoolwork and the next one down is a squirmy boy. So, it seemed better in my mind to combine the squirmy boy with the girl younger than him (but who is actually a half year closer in age). However, we read Little Pear last year when DS was 4, and he sat for it fine... and that's a Core B read aloud? So, he might hang fine with his older sister.


I do tend to have early readers and we read aloud quite a bit. So, they can usually sit for reading without much issue. But, is there any advantage to combining the two oldest as opposed to the two middle when they I will probably have to run 2 cores soon anyways? I was actually trying to figure out if combining the oldest 2 would allow me to combine the youngest 2 down the road... and then I could only eventually have 2 cores running instead of 3. However, there is a 3 year age gap between the youngest two... so I'm not sure if that works.


We also completed SOTW 1 last year... I don't really want to start with ancients again next year. I think I would be okay with starting over with medieval (I just like the time period better)... but ancients?? Ugh.


And, the more I debate sonlight... the better sticking with SOTW looks. Then, everyone is on exactly the same time period...

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Thanks for the advice. My reasoning for combining the two middle kids is that there are 2.5 years between my oldest two. My oldest is a girl who could sit for hours with schoolwork and the next one down is a squirmy boy. So, it seemed better in my mind to combine the squirmy boy with the girl younger than him (but who is actually a half year closer in age). However, we read Little Pear last year when DS was 4, and he sat for it fine... and that's a Core B read aloud? So, he might hang fine with his older sister.


I do tend to have early readers and we read aloud quite a bit. So, they can usually sit for reading without much issue. But, is there any advantage to combining the two oldest as opposed to the two middle when they I will probably have to run 2 cores soon anyways? I was actually trying to figure out if combining the oldest 2 would allow me to combine the youngest 2 down the road... and then I could only eventually have 2 cores running instead of 3. However, there is a 3 year age gap between the youngest two... so I'm not sure if that works.


We also completed SOTW 1 last year... I don't really want to start with ancients again next year. I think I would be okay with starting over with medieval (I just like the time period better)... but ancients?? Ugh.


And, the more I debate sonlight... the better sticking with SOTW looks. Then, everyone is on exactly the same time period...



Okay based on what you are doing this year (your signature line that I previously neglected ...sorry). I would say with SL you may end up over exerting yourself because in the end I see you doing 3 cores at a time the way you want to do it, but it is possible.


However, I would not start the oldest with C as you are currently covering that material. For the way you are looking at doing things I would start with Core D which is year 1 of American History and it is recommended for 3rd/4th/5th.


You could do the two middle children with Core A as you suggested over 2 years however, I would suggest being open to letting the older one progress through LA on a normal timeline K and then 1st Grade and just slowing down the Bible, History and Read Aloud Portions. You could do this by using the 5 day program and rotating the topics every other day or doing 3 days one week 2 days the next, etc.


This will result in you doing a third core with the youngest later which I don't know if you are done having kids but you may have another to combine with this LO anyway. (This is the other part I failed to realize is that you have a new LO.)


There is only one way I can see you combining the older two and then the younger two....


That would be sucking it up and starting with Core B again this year with the appropriate grade level readers with the older two because I think that any core above that would be too much for the younger of the older two. And then when the older two start core D & E get some of the evan moor history pockets for grades 1-3 that go with what they are learning and have the current dd3 doing those along with the older siblings and all other school like LA, Math, Science,etc and wait until dd3 is like 7(the highest age for A) to start core A and just letting the LO who would be 4 sit in on the readings and do preK work (handwriting, etc) until they start reading and then have them progress in the appropriate LA etc.


So it would look something like


DD7 & DS5: DD3:

Core B

Core C Core P 4/5

Core D History Pockets/printables/books that go with Siblings Core topic & K LA

Core E History Pockets/printables/books that go with Siblings Core topic & 1st LA


Core F DD3 (Now 7) & LO(Now 4): Core A w/LA2 & PreK stuff

Core G Core B (8)w/LA3 & (5)K readers

Core H Core C (9)w/ LA 4/5 &(6)LA1

Core 100 Core D (10)Slow down over two years LAD (split LAD for older) and (7)LA2

Core 200 Core D (11)Second Half for older and all of LAD for the younger(8) here is where they both end up in the recommended age groups for the cores.

Now continue with normal core progression...


I am no pro... but in your shoes I think this is how I would progress through the cores. I know you don't want to repeat the history you have already covered with the older one but it may be the best option for your sanity if you don't want to do three cores. Have you also tried the sonlight choosing forums? they have some ladies on there who have like 8 kids and they are quick to respond too!



Honestly, do you remember your history classes from elementary school before 3rd grade? I know I don't. I think the most important fact is that they are learning to read and do math and laying a foundation for History and Sciences that will be grasped in more depth in the following years.


My oldest is currently on the path your oldest would be on following the above pattern.

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Now that I know a bit more about your family (your oldest dd sounds a bit like mine) I want to add a new idea for next year. We loved SL middle ages. Possibly our favorite year ever. Since your youngest has been able to sit for some higher level books in the past I would consider trying. With math and language arts on their level it could work.


For the oldest dd have you considered VP's Middle ages? This was how I supplemented dd. You don't have to have everything. The SL material will cover many of the basics. The student guide and cards are essential. Most of the questions can be answered off the cards as I remember. You could suppliment with harder readers from their list. This would be another way to keep everyone together.

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