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My weekend to-do list.


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Make Christmas newsletter (since I started writing web content, I now think of this in terms of work, rather than simply sharing news with family and friends. And, no, it is not the braggy, show-off letter. Just a short note sharing what we've been up to and what is happening on our farm)


Address and mail Christmas cards.


Write as many articles as I can (At 20 or so a pop, I need to do this to pay for some Christmas. However, they are about MOTORCYCLES, so I have to research every one!)


Clean my house, including the cobwebs hanging from the ceiling over my kitchen sink.


Make half a dozen batches of candy for my husband's co-workers' gifts.


Finish ordering Christmas gifts for those last few hard-to-buy-for folks.


Get the laundry put away (It is clean and folded, since I paid the kids to do it. They want cash to pay for Christmas gifts. But I still have to put it all away. I'll let my kids fold my socks, but they are not prowling in my underwear drawer. They might find out more than they want to know about their mother.)


Help dh load a steer on Saturday morning to take to the meat processor. (BEEF! Can't wait for it!)


Drop off daughter and friend at church at 9 pm tonight for a lock-in, and get up at 5:30 (Travesty!!!! Getting up THAT early on a Saturday is just WRONG!) to pick her up from the same.


Find time to get to the grocery store and buy food for the next week.


Buy and decorate a Christmas tree and figure out the kind of cake to bake for my son's fifth birthday on Tuesday.


There's probably more that I've forgotten.


Wow. I'm tired just re-reading it!

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