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Cheer competition/performance make-up help?


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My DD has a cheer competition this weekend, and this will be the first time I've been responsible for doing her makeup myself. Every other year, there have been a couple of older girls who do it for the entire team, but because of the way the schedule is, DD's division doesn't have that option-at the time they need to be getting ready, the older girls will be on the mat.


Does anyone have any suggestions in how to manage this, for a mom who almost never wears makeup and doesn't consider herself good at it?

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did they tell you what it was supposed to look like. My dd used to do competitive cheer. At the beginning of the season makeup is ordered and an explanation of how to apply was sent out. Stuff like how quickly to get the glitter on the eye lid after you've painted the glue on and how far back to brush eyeliner.


Without knowing what your club is expecting it's hard to suggest anything. There's probably some youtube demonstrations on this topic.

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My daughter has done dance and I've gotten pretty good at basic stage make-up. They request foundation one shade darker than skin tone, brown eyeliner top and bottom from mid way point of the eye out meeting at the corner of the eye (to get below have the child look up and back). Brown eye shadow (2 tones - dark down, light up). Mascara (this can be tricky! My 8 year old is just tolerating mascara ok). Blush. Red tone lipstick.


I am not at all a makeup person easier, but I have learned a little and can get stage makeup done in 5 minutes flat now. And it really does look like nothing under the bright lights.


ETA - it would be good to ask if they want anything special like glitter shadow, etc. My kid has had to do a few different things in particular shows for different roles.

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I just saw that Kandee Johnson (makeup artist) has a youtube video on cheer competition makeup.


I don't know if this is the style that your team uses, but here is the video. I like her videos a lot.


Aaargh. I tried to link the video but I can't right click. If you go to youtube and search "kandee johnson cheerleading" you will find the video and other cheerleading makeup tutorials.


Good Luck. I love makeup so I would love to do that. :laugh:

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Hmmm, this kind of depends on your team. Usually, the team will have certain makeup techniques or an overall 'look' that they want. My daughter is in All Star cheer and they give us a makeup kit at the beginning of comp season. Last year we had eye decals, those were so easy. Anyway, this year we do a smokey eye and red lips.


Find out if the team has a look that they're trying to achieve first. If nothing else, I would recommend a smoky eye and lips in a color that would coordinate with her uniform. Remember to go heavy on the makeup so that she won't get washed out onstage. Good luck!

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