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Anyone had this happen? Frustrated.............

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Bought something used off another Board (tests for a particular popular homeschool brand textbook) and when I got it, it's literally just a zeroxed copy. Geez. It was advertised as a "clean copy"- which to most of us means it's the original but not written or marked in. I don't know if this person didn't know that you don't do that or if this person is pulling a scam. I gave them a warning, but this is the first I've run into it. I had to explain about copyright violations.................


So, is it just me or has this happened to others? Was I scammed or was it an innocent seller who probably just didn't know?



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So, after I emailed the seller to let her know about the copyright violations and that I trusted she wouldn't be selling "copies" of other items to other sellers in her postings, this is how she responded:


This course was for my children in 7th grade. Since one has already graduated from college several years ago and the other is half finished, you can see how long I have had these particular tests hanging around. Who remembers where they got materials from when they have been around so long. For whatever reason, I did not use this copy, and decided to sell it. My other tests all happen to be originals!

ActualIy, I found your email insulting and offensive. I don't think your position as an attorney gives you carte blanche to monitor my lisitings or those of anyone else for that matter. If you were really interested in imparting information to me, you would have done just that, without telling me how to conduct my listings in the future. That served no purpose whatsoever except to get me annoyed and angry. I trust you would feel the same if someone came into your home and started monitoring your personal belongings such as DVDs, CD's and sheet music. And, after all that, you end with "blessings" Blessings? Really, is that what you were feeling? I am trying very hard to forgive you.



Should I even bother to respond? She didn't apologize, didn't offer to refund my mone for the BJU tests. Seriously?



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So, after I emailed the seller to let her know about the copyright violations and that I trusted she wouldn't be selling "copies" of other items to other sellers in her postings, this is how she responded:




Should I even bother to respond? She didn't apologize, didn't offer to refund my mone for the BJU tests. Seriously?




Honestly, it would tick me off and I'd forward it to anyone who might be interested in correcting her attitude. She should give you a refund. If you payed with Paypal, I'd file a dispute. She was wrong and she's blaming you.

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Guest submarines

Well, it doesn't sound like she was scamming you. I'm curious to see your email to her--she does seem to have some valid points, unless she is exaggerating. I'd be ticked too if a confrontational email was signed with "blessings." But perhaps you didn't write a confrontational email. Though how does being an attorney is relevant in your context?

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I would be angry. Selling copies is an infringement of copyright laws. If she doesn't know where she got the copies or even if the copies were for herself, she should not be selling them. I would contact the moderators of the board and ask for a refund from the seller. To me, a clean copy means it is the product not written in or damaged in any way...not a "copy" of something.

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I would be angry. Selling copies is an infringement of copyright laws. If she doesn't know where she got the copies or even if the copies were for herself, she should not be selling them. I would contact the moderators of the board and ask for a refund from the seller. To me, a clean copy means it is the product not written in or damaged in any way...not a "copy" of something.



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E-mails can be so confusing. It's hard to tell the tone and emotions when writing emails. I definitely agree that she shouldn't be selling copies of tests because of copyright laws and that because of this false advertising you deserve a refund. But maybe she might have taken your email as an "attack on her integrity" instead of a "gentle explanation of why it wasn't appropriate to sell copies." I am not saying that your email was an attack at all (as we never got to see your email) but her reply (which you copy and paste here for all to see) was indeed angry and defensive. Again, it's so hard to know what people actual feel in emails - wires get crossed so easily. Maybe she didn't realize what she sold was wrong and her defenses got up when you pointed it out to her - I'd give her the benefit of doubt. But her response does seem overboard and aggressive.. If you do want a refund, I'd just email a short sentence like "Because of the confusion of copies vs originals, I would like to have my purchase price refunded. If you'd like the copies returned, please include postage costs in the refund amount and I'd be glad to mail them back promptly. Thank-you."


Thankfully I've never had any problems like this selling here!



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