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Just to vent.... Why does my light bill gave to be due the day after Christmas? And why does my car like to have issues around Christmas? We have used the money we had saved for gifts to buy a starter and new spark plugs and wires and now I need a new ac compressor. So not only do we not have money for gifts ( thanks parrot head for bhb) but now I can't have the heat on in my car so my serpatine belt won't break and mess my car up more. Four years ago when we just had dd, lived in Georgia, something to due with my radiator went out here in Michigan.

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But I refuse to get a new car, this car has gotten us through so much and with having 173500 miles on a 2002 ford Taurus I can't really complain except that it likes to have issues at the most inconvenient times and they aren't major ones like engine and tranny problems. And she's paid for.

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:grouphug: My truck in the past couple of weeks has decided that we don't need heat in the front (rear heat works, though!), and now I think the alternator is going. We have to keep jumping the battery, but I don't think the battery is the problem. I have to take it in and have it fixed soon, because we're got travel plans at Christmas...except after we fix the truck, then can we really afford the travel part? :cursing:

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Well an alternator is easy to fix. Yeah dh replaced two of them in my poor car. One in the parking lot where he worked in Georgia. Starters are easy too, changed that at the grocery store parking lot. He just can't fix the compressor problem. Luckily his friend Gary is a mechanic so he's going to help dh get it in once we get the money to buy the part. When the altenator went out in Georgia we also had to replace the mega fuse, now that was expensive because we didn't know what was wrong so we had it towed to the dealership. They charged us 1000 dollars for a $10 fuse because of towing, loaner car and all the testing they did. Learned real quick never to go to a dealership.

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