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Bad situation, Awesome firefighters!


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A little background first: I wouldn't say my mom is unsupportive about homeschooling, but she does worry that the kids are missing something or going to end up behind. She words her concerns discreetly and kindly, so I usually am not bothered.


Now to the point! :001_smile: My dad had a tumble today, which ended up with an emergency call because we couldn't get him up. (He's fine, just some bruised ribs!) DH and the kids were with me because we were out running errands when mom called. As the fire fighters were leaving, one asked the kids if they were looking forward to school tomorrow. DS12 kind of smiled and said he was homeschooled. One fire fighter laughed and said, "That means you can never escape school by faking sick." The first fire fighter patted him on the shoulder and added, "He should know, he was homeschooled to. You kids better be careful, or you'll end up just like him -- Tall, good looking and a hero!"


After they left my mom told me she was always glad when she met adults who were homeschooled, that it really set her mind at ease. I'm a big fan of first responders in general, but these guys were heroes twice today: helping my dad and showing the awesome results possible from homeschooling!

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