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Do I want to buy Latina Christiana?


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We are on the back end of, and liking, Prima Latina.

We are doing Prima Latina orally besides writing the memory work in a notepad.

I do not desire a consumable workbook for Latin.

Henle is where we are heading.

I like Prima Latina for the vocabulary and grammar memorization.

We've decided to stick with ecclesiastical pronunciation, for what it's worth.

I already own I Speak Latin and Getting Started With Latin and could use those instead, thereby saving money and luggage space (we'll be moving long distance soon).


So .. what is my decision? I'm off to make a cup of tea - you let me know (please).

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I am on my second time around with LCI. Used that, LCII, and part of Henle I with my oldest before I couldn't keep up--she did high school Latin I and II with a virtual program. With my boys I did Prima last year, which I really liked, and we are doing LCI this year. Since you are familiar with Prima, LC is the natural next step, especially vocab-wise. You will be able to breeze through the first 7 or 8 lessons with very little new vocab, but you are learning declensions and conjugations which are absent in PL. If you don't want the workbook, just buy the teacher book, as it has the workbook pages with the answers written in, thus allowing you to continue the work orally. I personally hate the dvd's. My plan is to do to First Form after we finish LCI.

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If you like Prima & you are not doing the workbook, you should like LC. (I agree that if you aren't doing the workbook, you can get by with just the TM.)


(I'm not sure I'd NOT pack GSWL. But I'm one who always packs an extra pair of clothes...) And, if you have internet access, there is a set of workbook pages (PDFs) made for LC 1 that were more challenging that what the workbook provided, IMO. The key is here. They don't take up any room in your bags. :driving:

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Yes, you do.


We did Prima followed by LCI and are now in First Form. If you like Prima, LCI is excellent, and if you do it orally, then just the TM is fine. We did much of it orally too. As a PP said, the fact that ds knew much of the vocab already made it easier to focus on the conjugations/declensions. The only other thing I would suggest is to buy or make the Vocab cards. It helped ds immensely to see the word--he absorbed some of the phonics of Latin better after we started using the flash cards with LCI. We still do much of FFL orally. Love it.

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Thank you for those links! I've saved the files. I have GSWL on my Kindle (I Speak Latin is on there too, actually) so no worries there.


I have been making my own flash cards for PL and I've been intending to put them into Brainscape on my iPad. I definitely have found those valuable.


I'm so glad I let you ladies make this decision for me. I'm feeling really good about it. :D

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Depending on your internet connection there should be interactive flashcards at Quizlet. My kids love that website!



:iagree: I don't think we had to make any ourselves on there because so many others had made them. Here's the link to just the Latina Christiana I ones.


If you want to have your dc try them out sooner, here's the Prima ones.

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