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Inlaw Update


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Just to update folks on the whole Christmas invite, etc.


BIL called back, and is supposedly going to be here at some point Christmas afternoon. He also said he was going to come by and see the kids soon.


That was over a wk ago.


Other than inviting Wolf to a Grey Cup party an hr before kick off last Sunday, haven't heard from him.


SIL? Haven't heard *anything* from her at all. No acknowlegement of the invite, nada. I sent her another msg, asking her to let me know by Dec 10, so I could plan, and still silence.


MIL has been MIA. Not literally, as far as we know, but after leaving increasingly frantic vm at our old ph#, Wolf called her, gave her our new #...and haven't heard diddly from her since. Weird, from the woman that normally calls a min of 3x a wk, esp on Sunday.


Part of me is enjoying the quiet. The other part of me is bracing for the next shoe to drop. If past history holds true, she doesn't go quiet w/out reemerging in a spectacular fashion.

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Hey, after the disappearing stunt this summer, I can't imagine it being any more startling.


*feels like she's just thrown down a huge dare, and shivers*


Ooooh...be careful with talk like that! It's like asking what else can go wrong - I don't ask because I might get the answer.

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Yeah, I know. I just feel a genuine lack of shockability right now, LOL.


At this point, even her showing up on my doorstep just wouldn't surprise me.


I think I'm genuinely in the phase of "Frankly my Dear, I don't give a da*n" in all of that. We've had so many things come up in the last cpl of mths that I just shake my head, shrug, and go back to putting out fires here.

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