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American Heritage Girls


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Both of my teen girls are in AHG (Patriot level), and it's been a wonderful experience. I wish I'd gotten them involved years ago.


Our troop is very active and well-organized, and offers lots of camping, outdoor activities and service projects, which suits my girls quite well. I've got one daughter who has earned most of the sports pins and outdoor skills achievement badges, and another that focuses on the science and technology achievement badges.


I highly recommend visiting a troop meeting to check it out. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am the Troop Coordinator for CA0158. We were the first troop outside of Ohio. I am the second Troop Coordinator having taken over from the founder in 2008. I agree it is much more like BSA. Due to the first leaders, like our founder, having boys in BSA and searching for that for their daughters. We have 48 girls ranging from 5 to 14.


We just awarded our first Stars and Stripes award. That is our equivalent to the BSA Eagle.


Please feel free to ask any manner of question and I will be happy to answer.



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After spending years in Girl Scouts, we tried it with my girls in the fall and it just didn't work out. I think it would greatly depend on the troop you join as the time commitment, financial demands, parental involvement, etc will vary greatly depending on the leadership and their expectations for the parents and kids.


Also, having a religious component just made things a bit uncomfortable for our family because the troop was definitely Protestant and the one other Catholic family we knew quit attending. I think the idea is nice, but it's hard to bring religion into scouting and please everyone imho.

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Morgan, perhaps you can find a Catholic troop nearby, or you and the other Catholic could start one. Our troop is non-denominational, and we do have several Catholic families. We've had a few discussion during leader meetings about this, but so far, into our 3rd year it's all good.


I think Jaderbee said everything I could say easily about the program. We love it. I have a Patriot (9th grade) and a Tenderheart (1st).

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Thanks for all the info! I registered my daughter and also found out that this troop is BRAND NEW! They are just starting and nobody knows anything...due to circumstances, I am now the pathfinders unit leader. LOL!!


So...I guess I'm in. Seems like a fun group. It's at a catholic church and most of the moms all go to the catholic church. I am not catholic but I think everything will work out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We requested information (via email) about two months ago and were supposed to hear from our local troop coordinator. We haven't heard anything yet, except we did receive an email from a regional (?) leader, who said we should have heard from the local coordinator. LOL.


Well...? Should I resend our request for information? Do groups get "full" and then not take new members?

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We requested information (via email) about two months ago and were supposed to hear from our local troop coordinator. We haven't heard anything yet, except we did receive an email from a regional (?) leader, who said we should have heard from the local coordinator. LOL.


Well...? Should I resend our request for information? Do groups get "full" and then not take new members?



I would resend. You never know if there was a glitch somewhere or your email somehow got lost.


We are in our third year of AHG and I think it is best thing ever. We started out brand new 3 years ago but the woman who ran it had been involved in another troop farther away, so she knew what she was doing. Plus she's just a phenomenal organizer. She stepped down after having baby number 6 (I think) so another woman just took over. And she's great too. But like anything, it is only as good as the folks who run it and volunteer. You have to be committed. My dd just loves it.

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