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Is this Attention Deficit Disorder or normal adjustment?

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Our newest member of the family is a nine-year-old girl (an extended family member we had not previously met) who seems very attention deficit. She will be excited about doing something (craft, game, puzzle, movie, toy) but after literally 2-3 minutes is "bored" and moves to a new task. She jumps from task to task and can't seem to concentrate enough to watch a movie, have a story read to her, follow simple instructions etc. Her previous caregivers have not mentioned ADD and we are hesitant to bring it up with them.


My question: For those of you who have had foster children (or some other situation where an older child is suddenly introduced to your household) did they exhibit this kind of restlessness? Is this lack of focus to be expected because of the change in home or is this more likely something that is pre-existing and needs medical treatment?


We do know that she performs poorly in school (reading and math average daily grades 50-60%). Is that possibly the result of lack of ability to focus? Also, she has a sweet personality and never complains, but if asked to do a task (put shoes in room and not middle of living room floor etc.) she has to be asked/told three or four times before it is done. I am not sure if she is ignoring me because she doesn't want to do what I am asking her to do, or if she is just so easily distracted that she "forgets." (She never claims that she forgot. She usually has no comment at all, though she is certainly not a shy, quiet child.)


Just trying to understand. Anyone with experience with ADD?

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I would talk with her teacher. Is she on an IEP? By 9 years old, you could probably get a lot of info just by talking with the school, assuming she's gone the for a few years. She might have already had some testing done through them.

ADHD is actually extremely common in kids who have had traumatic early childhoods. My dd has ADHD (adopted through foster care) and its been really interesting to talk to all her doctors and therapists about the damage early trauma can do to the brain, especially in the first year of life.

I forget her story, but if the above does not fit her background, it still could be ADHD or some other learning disorder, especially with the difficulty in school. Again, I'd check in with her teacher.


Also, it totally could just be anxiety. At nine years old, if I was sent to live with someone I'd never met, I'd be a hot mess.

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If I remember correctly, she only just joined your family. It will take a lot more time IMO before you can tell what "her normal" behavior is. She has a LOT on her mind, understandably. I'd focus on helping her to get into the general routine of your household, and don't sweat the details just yet.

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By the way, with a history of trouble in school, please have her eyes checked by a developmental optometrist. Maybe she has trouble focusing on things visually.


Most kids have had their eyesight checked, but you can have 20/20 eyesight and still have severe vision problems. Most people don't seem to be aware that this is something worth checking out. Symptoms of vision problems can look like ADD.

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With ADD, you'll typically also see the other side of things - the hyper focus - does she get overly engrossed in things as well?


I'm glad to hear she came home with you and I agree with others that it could also be anxiety, among other adjustment things. Good luck.

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By the way, with a history of trouble in school, please have her eyes checked by a developmental optometrist. Maybe she has trouble focusing on things visually.


Most kids have had their eyesight checked, but you can have 20/20 eyesight and still have severe vision problems. Most people don't seem to be aware that this is something worth checking out. Symptoms of vision problems can look like ADD.


I hadn't thought of that. I'm sure she has never had a professional eye exam.

This is a new situation and we are all just kind of feeling our way and taking one day at a time. Everyone's advise and comments are most appreciated to help us through this time of adjustment. Nine-year-old girls are mystery enough without trying to figure out a child who is going through such huge life changes!


Thanks again.

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With ADD, you'll typically also see the other side of things - the hyper focus - does she get overly engrossed in things as well?


I'm glad to hear she came home with you and I agree with others that it could also be anxiety, among other adjustment things. Good luck.


No. I haven't really noticed any hyper focus. Maybe that's a good sign.

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