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Can you overfeed a ff baby?

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Not that I can do much about it, but I am a little concernd about my friend's baby. He is exclusively formula fed and they just give him a bottle anytime he makes a noise. He was born at 7.5 pounds and at 8 weeks he is 14 pounds. He was a beautiful baby, but he looks so fat now. I love a chubby baby and all, but his eyes are hiding in fat it seems like.


They pride themselves that he can drink 6-8 ounces of formula at a time. That seems like a lot to me, but can a baby overeat?

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Sure, babies can overeat. Sucking is a reflex. A baby who has a bottle put in his mouth will suck, even if not hungry. Plus, with some bottles (not all) the milk will easily flow out even without much sucking. So a baby who is being fed everytime he cries could easily be overfed.


The 6-8 ounces sounds ok though. Total amounts can be tricky and each baby has his/her own right amount. My first son probably took 40 ounces a day (in pumped BM) easily but didn't grow too fast.

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Drink 6-8 ounces of formula at a time isn't necessarily a problem.


The only concern I would have is if they are someplace like Phoenix where it is super hot and the little guy is drinking because he is thirsty rather than hungry. Even then the solution is make sure he is kept at a good temperature and keep feeding him as he wants it.

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My 2 1/2 mos. old bf baby was 13 pounds at 2 mos. He was 8lbs 8oz. at birth. He is probably about 14 lbs. now. I think you can overfeed them, but usually they "tell" you by rejecting the breast of bottle as a prev. poster said. I wouldn't worry "too" much. Does this baby use a pacifier? That might help as long as it doesn't reverse the situation, KWIM?

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