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quick help -- what can I do for a child's stomach pains?? (paging Dr. Hive...)

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My middle son is ill, and I'm at a loss what to do for him just now.


He's fighting a fever, been rotating tylenol & motrin since yesterday morning. In the last 26 hrs he's had 3 doses of motrin and 2 of tylenol (alternating), just to keep his fever below 100*. I am not concerned about the fever, that's normal for him to run that high when he does get sick, I only mention it in case the meds are upsetting his stomach.


BUT, my question/concern right now -- he is suffering from stomach cramps. Poor guy has been in and out of the bathroom so many times today (it's noon here, he was up at 8) that I've lost count. Seriously. Not all of those trips have been, ummm, productive, but he complains his stomach just hurts. He cannot pinpoint where it hurts, just all over.


I did give him one dose of kid's immodium when the bathroom trips were productive, after 4 trips in the span of an hour or so. That did slow the output, but not the cramps.


He's eating chicken noodle cup-o-soup now (sorry, all I have...) and has been drinking water, and I just picked up some gatorade from the store.


Anything I can do to help him feel better??? And, what should I be watching for (aside from dehydration, I'm watching that like a hawk) to be sure this is just a stomach virus and not something like appendix or something??


Oh, and I am trying to go longer between fever med doses, in case that's not helping his stomach. Balancing that with keeping it from getting too high (his will shoot to 104* in a heartbeat), so....


any thoughts?? Suggestions?? Tips?? Thanks in advance!! (he's 11, almost 12.....)

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:grouphug: My ds woke in the wee hours of the morning vomiting. He's managed to vomit on both beds and a few pillows. I'm dirt tired, but he's wide awake and enjoying a shower.


Try bananas, applesauce, rice, toast, and yogurt, with plenty of water/other fluids and soups. If he feels up to it, walking around might lessen the cramps and move things down the intestines.

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Maybe you could try giving him a couple of Tums. For some reason I find that with stomach cramps they help me more than anything else. DH thinks I am nuts but Tums helps me. Then lay down with a heating pad/ hot water bottle on tummy and hopefully fall asleep. Usually I wake up feeling much better.


Hope he feels better soon!

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