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Computer Programming

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Looking for a basic computer programming text for a smart 11th grader. We need one that starts with learning a computer language. (Most of the books that we've tried teach concepts that she already knows, such as Word, Powerpoint, and Excel.) Some of the more advanced books we've tried assume that she already knows a computer language.

Any ideas?


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Looking for a basic computer programming text for a smart 11th grader. We need one that starts with learning a computer language. (Most of the books that we've tried teach concepts that she already knows, such as Word, Powerpoint, and Excel.) Some of the more advanced books we've tried assume that she already knows a computer language.

Any ideas?





We have this book, "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner" by Michael Dawson. My 11th grader finds it quite readable. There are some sample pages on Amazon, so you can get a sense for the level of the book and whether it would suit your needs.




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If you think she is ready for college material, check out some of the OpenCourseWare online. So far I've been impressed with Stanford's CS106A, Programming Methodologies, class, which requires The Art and Science of Java by Eric Roberts. It's very challenging but it assumes no prior programming knowledge (it's a general ed class). It teaches Java, but beyond that it stresses good software engineering principles that will prepare you well for other classes and languages. The professor is engaging and explains the topic clearly.

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We started with the scratch programming for teens book, which he worked his way through over the summer. This year he joined a FIRST Tech Challenge team and became the team programmer, learning and using RobotC. It helps some that mom and stepdad are programmers

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We have this book, "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner" by Michael Dawson. My 11th grader finds it quite readable. There are some sample pages on Amazon, so you can get a sense for the level of the book and whether it would suit your needs.



You should figure out what language your child wants to study. Java, Python?


We've also been using the Dawnson book quoted above an supplementing with Hello World: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners.

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I'm teaching my son to program in Java currently. There are so many great free resources out there right now including full blown intro to CS courses from the Ivys. As a software engineer I don't really think a book by itself is quite enough. Though its great to have good reference books which many times go along with courses or other online training. I've got bookshelves of them. But things change so fast now most engineers use more online resources. And there are quite a few free programming books, manuals, APIs, etc... online.


CS like many of the sciences is best learned by doing, hence the lab portion (programming). Python and Java are really popular programming languages to start with, though Java is more powerful. In the beginning simply learning logic flow and patterns are a great place to start. Seeing how the pieces fit together is very very helpful. That's why programs like Scratch and Game Maker are taking off as educational tools. Game Maker's Apprentice is the first book I started my son with when he was 10. He finished the book and built all the games using the Game Maker tool.


Next we did this very practical tutorial series which I recommend your son trying. Its entitled Java for the Absolute Beginner:


After that take a look at this fantastic free educational tool called Greenfoot. This is a powerful tool for both teaching programming fundamentals and making some cool games. It's used by quite a few college and university CS departments in teaching programming:





My son is really having fun with this stuff, so much so that he spends his free time programming. :D

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If you think she is ready for college material, check out some of the OpenCourseWare online. So far I've been impressed with Stanford's CS106A, Programming Methodologies, class, which requires The Art and Science of Java by Eric Roberts. It's very challenging but it assumes no prior programming knowledge (it's a general ed class). It teaches Java, but beyond that it stresses good software engineering principles that will prepare you well for other classes and languages. The professor is engaging and explains the topic clearly.


I saw this free course along with many others from MIT and other top schools. This is so cool they are offering these world wide educational resources now for free! Things sure have changed since I was in school studying programming. ;)


Take a look at what this enterpising young man did in getting an MIT CS education for under $2000: http://www.scotthyou...06/24/tedx-mit/


Its really begs the question about the future of education in light of the power of the internet. It amazes me that what schools fought so hard to protect, namely their content, they are now offering for free online. This is a huge paradigm shift which obviously the big schools are now embracing in an effort to educate more people around the world. It almost seems too benevolent to be true.

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I second the idea of using free online courses. There are now 3 major websites that also provide certificates once the course is completed. My son did an Artificial Intelligence one taught by a Stanford prof last year. This year one of my students from the co op I teach at is enrolled in a Programming 101 class and he absolutely loves it. I wrote a blog post that links to the three different websites - http://fundafunda.com/blog/bored-high-schoolers-free-online-courses-to-the-rescue.html


I am a computer programmer (or was in a previous life!) and I have taught it at co op - I use Scratch and Alice there. My own kids have learned Visual Basic and Java and I plan to get my youngest daughter to learn Python.

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I was going to suggest Code Academy as well. The site starts you out with basic things and then leads you on a track to find out what interests you and helps you to master that. You set your own pace, but they encourage you to make forward progress and make it fun to do so.

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Thank you to all for your kind replies. We are considering Java and Python as a first computer language to learn. Do you have opinions on which might be better?


Either one is fine. You could always start with Python then move to Java later. On the other hand there is no reason not to start with Java right away like Stanford

does. The main thing to do initially is learn the logical aspects of computer program flow. All languages 'generally' do the same thing. Some are just more powerful or better in certain areas than others. I picked Java primarily because I not only know the language well but use it almost every day at work. So its nice to get ds learning something so practical. He's always curious about what I do.


I would just take a look at the courses and training available and find the one he's most interested in. Get him involved in the selection process. Let him see some of these tools and programs mentioned above. Have him test drive some first. Then notice what peaks his interest. Having an interested, engaged student makes learning more fun.

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