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Why are my threads no longer checked


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with a subscription check?


Am I even subscribed to threads anymore?


I think the default setting is not subscribed. I was set to subscribe to threads I posted in on the old boards, but I had to go into my setting to set that option again on the new boards. To change it, click on your user name in the right upper corner, click on "my settings,", then from the menu on the left side of the screen click on "notification options." There will be a box near the top of the list where you can check to automatically follow threads/topics that you post in. I am guessing that following is the same thing as subscribing to a thread.

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ARGH! That doesn't do it for me! I need quick and easy glancing!




I miss that feature, too.


Have you noticed to the left of the thread title there is a circle? It is a star when you've read or replied to it. It is hard to notice a difference.

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