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Subscribed Threads?


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I need help with this too. So far I have discovered that "My Content" and "Content/Follows" are the old subscribed threads (now called topics?). But they are showing everything that I had subscribed to and also deleted on the old forum. I figured out how to turn the "notifications" off after receiving emails and notifications on here about everyone replying to a thread I posted in. yeah that won't work for me.


I also can't make heads or tails of what "immediate", "daily digest", or "weekly digest" means? And what does "follow offline" mean? I think i figured out how to edit my content. There's a button called "toggle edit" and that gives the option to stop following or to change what you follow. Again i don't know what these digests mean? I also see that i can look at threads I started vs threads I posted in. And then on the thread itself there's a "stop following" button. But that didn't change what i see in "my content" and then what does "mark as read" mean? I just need a simple delete button!! All of this content stuff is as clear as mud to me right now.

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I've been checking the My Content link each time I sign in. Once you come in and out a few times, you will see threads you are subscribed to, turn the bolder type face if they have new posts. Ones with no responses remain unbolded.


I clear each forum with the link at the top so this wipes out any threads I don't open and check, but I also notice, that if I go back to My Content, threads I did open revert to the unread, without bold type face.


It appears there maybe some kind of time issue governing what page threads appear on. Those from the last 24 hours, appear on the first page, I think.

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This is what I've been looking for as well. I've found the My Content and Content I'm Following sections, but they're weird. One shows that I have 458 threads I'm following, but there's only 19 pages of content available, and there's one or two posts on each page. That's all I can see. I would love some guidance on that.

I'm having this problem, too.

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