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S/O Gun Play

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only point the gun at someone who is armed and playing too. if they're not armed and he points at them, the gun is taken away. no shooting animals. (stuffed animals are okay. ;p)


I was taught the first rules of real guns are - don't point at something you don't plan on shooting, and only shoot something you plan to kill. so I've adapted his rules for a nerf gun from those.

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We only allow target shooting. So no shooting at anyone, just targets they set up. (usually blocks, towers built with duplos, etc)

This holds even if friends come over to play (doesn't happen often anyways since we live kinda far).

Any pointing of guns at anyone in the house and guns are taken away. I grew up with guns/hunting and was taught the same rules as poster above (only aim at what you intend to kill).

We only have nerf guns.

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We don't have any many rules, but my boys aren't much into gun play. The main rule is don't shoot anyone in the face with a gun that actually fires projectiles (water, Nerf, marshmallow) and don't shoot anyone not playing with said projectile. This is broken and allowed occasionally, namely when all three of us ambush DH with Nerf guns when he comes out of the shower.


Now, I could write a book on our roughhousing/wrestling rules...

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