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How do you schedule Latina Chrisitana?


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Is it Latina Christiana I or II? I did I already. I did that one lesson a week each day A, B, C, D, and E, Monday through Friday. However, A&B were just one or two questions. So, I used Fridays as quiz day or Quia games day. I complete I in one year. I planned II out for two years. Since there is more grammar in this year, I broke it up to do A, B, C for Monday through Wednesday for one week, then Monday through Wednesday the following week for D, E, and F. Thursday and Friday will be reviews and quizzes depending on the week. The first week would be the review week, the second week the quizzes.


I hope that helps.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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Well, my ds needs repetition so here is how we did it:


Day 1: watch dvd lessons, go over flashcards, do some of the workbook

Day 2: watch dvd again, flashcards, more workbook

Day 3: watch dvd one last time, flashcards, finish up workbook

Day 4: give quiz and spelling test on flashcard words


I just look at how many exercises there are in the workbook for that chapter and divide it over 3 days.


We did this for LCI and LCII and it has worked out great!

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This is how my kids do it (LC I and II):


M: Review flashcards, watch video, make new flashcards

T: Review flashcards, listen to me present material in teacher's guide, complete exercises

W: Review flashcards, complete and/or correct exercises

R: Review flashcards, extra translation work or pages in Ludere Latine

F: Review flashcards, quiz

S: Review flashcards


We also take a few minutes every day to recite our prayers and grammar charts, and we listen to songs from Lingua Angelica. (No written work, just familiarization.)

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I didn't use the DVD, so I'm not sure what that covers/how it would fit, but here's what I did:


Every day, Mon-Thurs: (or, at least 4 days a week - sometimes we skipped a day, then finished on Friday)


Chants (used the Upper-LH corner of Teacher's Guide)


Go over new vocabulary & derivatives (I write these in the margin of the 1st page of the lesson) and Grammar concepts


Do part of the workbook together. I just tried to divide up the work evenly between the days. Sometimes, I would assign half of two different exercises one day, then finish those two exercises the following day. Just to eliminate boredom and "filling in by the pattern" syndrome.


Independently: either make flashcards of new vocabulary *or* copy the lesson


Assign a Ludere page to be done independently (Or, half. Again, sometimes I would assign two half-pages.) The grammar cross-word was always a two-day assignment by itself. It's ok if you don't do all the Ludere games with the chapter - you can use any undone pages during the review weeks!


I have one ds I trust to do his flashcards independently. The other son I do the flashcards with him! Once you get to the first review lesson, you'll probably want to separate them into four different groups so that dc is only responsible for doing 1/4 each day.


I can pretty much tell if my dc have learned the lesson by how easily they can do the flashcards, and how easily the grammar crossword is finished. Latin is a fun lesson for us, so I don't test for Latina Christiana - but if they are struggling, we just take another week for that lesson.




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