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Climbing/Door Opening Toddler

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My ds will be 2 on Friday and has been climbing out of his crib and opening doors and it's not helping my day at all.




He was a terrible sleeper for a long time. He has taken to being a good napper just in the last 6 months, most of the time I had to nurse him to sleep on my bed (it has rail guards) and then sneak out and he'd sleep for an hour or two. Just in the last two months, I could nurse him and then leave him awake in his crib and he'd go to sleep for a nap. He still wakes 2-3 times a week at night. His crib is in my room because we have a stupid floor plan in this house- all kids rooms are up, and the master is down.


Now he won't nap because he can just climb out of his crib, open the door, and come out. Today he came out in the living room where I was, after just 5 minutes of me laying him down, and told me "Wake up, Mommy" and did a big, fake yawn.


This is a kid who was so crabby and whiny all day until he finally started napping. The whining got a lot better once he started napping. I think he still needs naps. And I need the break- he is so intense, he wants to be read to constantly, needs lots of exercise and is very physical, gets into everything, is very curious, etc. Not to mention that it's pretty much impossible to homeschool when he's awake, so we counted on his nap time for the one-on-one with mom sessions that the older kids need.


What do I do with him now to get him to nap? I've tried staying in the room with him until he falls asleep, but he just wants to nurse constantly then (and still stays awake)or has a big fussy fit.


With my other toddlers, I transitioned them to quiet time at this stage, they could read or play if they were quiet, but had to stay in their rooms, and often they'd end up falling asleep. But that was when they were closer to three. This kid is barely two and I don't feel comfortable moving him upstairs yet. We have gates at the stairs, but he's just the kind of kid who would scale the gate and fall down the stairs at night.


Any ideas?

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This may not win me as mother of the year, but I would reverse the lock on that door. We did that for my youngest once we realized that, not only could she climb out of the crib, but she could overcome the child safe doorknob, AND would go downstairs and help herself to snacks. Its not the food. I don't want to get that thread restarted! She is a total flight risk. :lol: So, we lock the door so she won't leave the house while we are sleeping.


Hope that helps!



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Yeah, locking doors might have to happen. I don't know what else to do. I do not want to leave him in there upset and alone though. I tried locking the door today to see if he'd give up and go to his bed and fall asleep, (I stood outside the door listening), but he got the door open anyway. :001_huh:


This door opening stuff is so annoying. He is obsessed with vacuums and just opened the foyer closet and dragged the vacuum out to the living room himself.


He was the hardest infant ever, I deserve a break now! Anytime, now. :glare:

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I put a doorknob cover on the inside of my sons room and turned the baby monitor on so I could hear him.


My dh mentioned doorknob covers tonight, I forgot about them. Going out tomorrow to get some and try it.


Oh geez, sounds like my 3 year old. I so totally feel your pain. No advice, just :grouphug:


Exhausting, isn't it? Good thing they're so stinkin' cute at 2 and 3. That was well thought out!


Have you lowered the crib as far as it will go?


Yes, it's been at it's lowest setting since he started pulling to stand awhile ago. He's just a monkey and can climb just about anything.

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