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Secular language arts book


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We are a Christian family that does a Waldorf co-op with another family three times a week in the mornings. In the afternoons, my kids (and the neighbor girl we are homeschooling) do workbooks to make sure we have crossed all our t's and dotted all of our i's. For Language Arts/grammar work, we are doing an Abeka workbook. However, the family we do our co-op with are not Christians so I need to find a non-religious (but similar) workbook to have those kids working on with their mom at home. I looked into "Climbing to Good English" which seems a little on the old-fashioned side just in it's appearance at least. I also purchased "growing with grammar" but it doesn't have things like comma rules... I don't think. Anyone have any other curriculum advice for me? I want something just like the Abeka 3rd grade Language Arts book but just not christian.

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Evan-Moor's 6 Trait Daily Writing maybe?


Maybe the Growing with Grammar company has more punctuation rules in Winning with Writing?



KISS Grammar is free. And so is this Scott Foresman series.


I would look at those freebies -- though I don't think you'll hit commas soon with KISS (could be wrong). I think GWG -- and the Winning with Writing -- are really excellent for just this sort of thing. The examples and sentences are salient and interesting for homeschooled children (a real problem with Evan Moor and Zaner-Bloser writing here). If you are worried about a particular rule, you could e-mail the company to see when it's included; I have heard they are quite responsive.


I myself just did not like the writing as taught in Evan-Moor 6 Trait and it confused Button totally (though I was a big fan last year when we started). The content seems quite similar to Winning with Writing . If you wanted to go Evan Moor for learning rules &c you might try their Paragraph Editing series?

Edited by serendipitous journey
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We used Christopherus from grade 2-grade 5. It has plenty of grammar, just no busy work (ie there are very few worksheets!). Grammar is taught during other subjects, while the children are writing about the current topic. Do you have the complete Christopherus curricula for each year, or just a few of units? The grammar is only really in the full years' curricula, but Christopherus does have a language arts book which basically covers grades 1-8 (which I must admit I haven't laid eyes on). I know they will sell you the previous years language arts stuff if you've bought a full years curriculum and need to back-track. They are very helpful if you contact them.


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