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Will I hurt dd if I don't start spelling in 2nd grade?


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My dd will be 8 in September and beginning 2nd grade. I was planning on completing ETC 5,6,7 this year along with beginning All About Spelling. Will I be hurting her if I wait until mid year or maybe even 3rd grade to begin All About Spelling? I don't want her to be "behind" but I'm thinking maybe I should finish ETC first? Maybe that doesn't even matter?! :confused:


If it helps, she is reading above grade level, will be doing FIAR along with FLL(2).



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Well do you already own AAS? If you're going to have to buy it on top of that, then why not just have her write words from her ETC and work on her writing her own narrations? That just seems tedious to me to do phonics *and* spelling and not get to any application (writing). But if you already have the AAS, proceed as you wish, don't think it will hurt. My main thing would be to look at the 2nd grade WTM recommendations for writing and get her going using the stuff she's studying. Have you looked at the new WWE stuff? Given that she's a girl and on the older end for her grade, she may be plenty ready.

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We finished etc before starting spelling.

It's a lot for them to process and they need to process phonics well!

You won't be holding her back, if anything, you're giving her a chance to absorb more from etc.

We usually did 4-5 pages a day.

He just started 4th grade, we are using Spelling Power.

It covers spelling through 12th grade.

We have used Spelling Workout and felt that it had too much twaddle.

He just wants his list, study and copy, then test and move on.

Spelling Power recommends waiting until after phonics instruction and age 8 to begin.

It's pricey, but since I don't have to buy anything else for spelling for 3 kids, it's a great deal.

It retails for $64, I paid $8 for it used~


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Thanks so much for your advice. No, I don't own AAS yet. Actually, today the air conditioner repairman said it's not only the air but the heat as well and we need a new heat pump (house is all electric). Since the startup cost for AAS is a little pricey, I was thinking of waiting if it would be ok. Especially now that much of our extra money will be headed to a heat pump.


Right before the end of last year, I was going back a few lessons in ETC and testing dd on her spelling of previous words. She was doing well with this, so maybe I will continue it. She likes to make up sentences as we go through the words, maybe this year I can have her write them out instead as extra work.


I do have the Natural Speller book, if worse came to worse. I just know that this dd is so very hands on and AAS looked just right for her.


Thanks again for your help!



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Angel, just as an observation, you can take what you like from AAS (those tiles) and make them yourself... You can buy printable magnetic sheets at the office supply and print up anything you want to go with any spelling program you want. Or you could print them onto cardstock and laminate. When my dd was little, I had letter tiles I bought at walmart. Hands-on is definitely fun!

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