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Stubbed toe, broken nail, dr required?

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DD stubbed her big toe on the dog's bone yesterday. She wanted me to take her to the ER, but I don't think it is necessary to get medical treatment for this.


There is no swelling. Her toenail is split across the nail, in the middle. It looks like the top half is going to fall off - the break looks like it went all the way through the nail. It hurts if she touches it.


I told her to put a bandaid on it to protect it from germs and fungi getting in the nail bed. She bandaged it with gauze.


Should I take her to the doctor?

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I took my dd10 to the ER this summer for a similar event although the top half of her nail did bend back completely exposing the nail bed. All they did was numb it, trim off the nail piece, clean it and bandage it. That cost is $1300. I could have done all of that except for the numbing cream and for dd, that part was worth it. She was in a lot of pain.

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Unless infected, nope. I would trim the nail back once the skin is healed so it will not catch and make it worse. This summer Dd opened a door on her toe (don't ask), the nail was broken and just sort of floated for a few days because it was still attached under the skin. Once the skin under the toe was healed we trimmed the toe nail back so it would not catch. Keep it clean and covered (you will be amazed at how much dirt will get under a loose nail) and watch it for infection.

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Thank you all very much for your advice.


DD is only in pain if she presses lightly on her nail, so she doesn't need numbing cream. I'm keeping an eye on it. She will not let me get closer than 3' away -- she's afraid I'm going to operate on her! :D


She went to school today, so her fears about not being able to wear a shoe were for naught. I'll take a look at her toe when she gets home, and ask her to trim the nail.


Chucki, I would not take anyone to the ER for a broken nail without a darned good reason, no matter what DD wants. Everything is an emergency to her these days. She is a drama queen.

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