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Teaching kids to cook (recipe book)


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I thought a fun skill to teach my daughter would be cooking. I love to cook and hope she'll love it too. I encourage her to help me cook as much as she's interested.


I was wondering if anyone knew of a fun book (like a cook book) with mini lessons to teach kids to cook? I have the ability to teach her myself, but sometimes it's fun to have new ideas and new recipes.

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My daughter has really, really enjoyed the Marion Cunningham "Cooking with Children" book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0679422978/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_7


It's really pretty fabulous... the directions are very thorough, and my daughter now makes the best biscuits in the family (and both my husband and I bake!). She loves that she can tell me to go away until she really needs me for something (like interacting with a hot oven).


Have fun!

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We had fun with the Annabel Karmel kids cookbook when my boys were younger.


There are recipes and videos on her website



:iagree: My ds went through a big cooking phase and he loved to read cookbooks. We like nearly all the kids' cookbooks from DK, but Annabel Karmel's are the best. For us, having photos was the important part. A lot of kids' cookbooks have drawings, which just didn't make the food appealing to my ds.

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DS9 got really interested in my Fine Cooking magazines, so I bought him several kids cookbooks, all of which I thought were excellent. He still prefers Fine Cooking. He picks a recipe, we talk through it, get the ingredients, and work together to prepare it. Over the last year, he's been able to tackle more on his own. So I guess the take away is that it probably doesn't matter which resource you use, as long as the enthusiasm and oversight are there.

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