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Anybody know of a good 'moving' book?

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Where are you moving? I'm assuming you are in Louisiana? I live north of Lafayette.




My best advice is to go through you stuff as you pack and get rid of junk and whatever you don't want. Including outgrown kids clothes, books, and toys. Label all boxes, try to keep room stuff together. Wrap your dishes and all breakables in towels, Walmart bags, or newspapers. You can even use clothing or towels to stabilize fragile things so they don't rattle around in the boxes. Put large things in the moving truck first. Fit the smaller things around and on top.


Clean your fridge before you move it.


Try not to stress and remember that some things can go wrong during a move.

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I am in Louisiana...in Morgan City. :) We are moving to Oklahoma. As somebody that lives down here..you know what I'm leaving. It's bittersweet (or sweettart as my 9 year old is saying..she can't remember the word bittersweet) for us. I have ONLY ever lived in South Louisiana. This is tough.


Part of this is easier..the packing..because about 70% of my house is already packed up b/c we did that to sell it (and that's what sold the house actually). Most of what is left is the necessities.

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We had movers so we were advised to clean out the fridge then unplug it and let it air out for at least 2 days prior to pickup. Some friends moved themselves and it was only a day's drive so they left their fridge plugged in. They loaded it onto the moving van and used extension cords; they unplugged it just before they drove away.


Sorry, I have no book recommendations. We did each pack an overnight bag with toiletries/towels and took the sheets, blankets, pillows with us so that beds could be made up right away without unpacking anything.


Good luck with your move!

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Well, be prepared for culture shock!! I'm from OK and we moved to the Texas/Louisiana border area a few years ago. I almost died from culture shock. Lol! There were some people who would walk up to me and start talking and I never understood a word they said! And everyone would comment that they could tell "I wasn't from around there." I really stood out!


We moved somewhere else this summer.


My best advice is to make lists and pack a bag for each person. Nothing like realizing the movers boxed something you'll need en route.


Good luck!

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oh wow on the move to Oklahoma! You'll trade hurricanes for tornados! LOL! and blizzards. I can imagine it will be a great culture shock. Bring as much Louisiana food as you can pack! We lived in Arkansas for a while (dh's home state) and I thought I would die from the lack of flavor in the food. When I moved back to Louisiana I gained ten lbs right away eating boudin. You'll probably lose weight, I did in Arkansas!


When you get there seek out goodwill and thrift stores for warm clothes. You won't have anything to stand up to winters up there.


Hope it goes well for you! I always want to move out of here when it's August. Then October comes and I don't want to move anymore. The first cool front we had this past weekend helps me realize how much I hate cold weather! Tho right now it is too hot...

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@ Scarlett...yes, we have talked about my move before. We are looking in Inola primarily. My parents are there..it would just work out better...although Wagoner has a ton of houses for sale. We close by the end of the year.


My husband is still working down here so the food part doesn't bother me too bad. I'll just send him with a picture of what to buy me and where to get it. He'll even haul crawfish to OK for us!! SCORE!


I'm scared about the clothes thing...I need clothes badly and this is NOT the time to move when you are lacking on clothes. I'll be buying some this week b/c we are going up next week to search for a house.

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@ Scarlett...yes, we have talked about my move before. We are looking in Inola primarily. My parents are there..it would just work out better...although Wagoner has a ton of houses for sale. We close by the end of the year.


My husband is still working down here so the food part doesn't bother me too bad. I'll just send him with a picture of what to buy me and where to get it. He'll even haul crawfish to OK for us!! SCORE!


I'm scared about the clothes thing...I need clothes badly and this is NOT the time to move when you are lacking on clothes. I'll be buying some this week b/c we are going up next week to search for a house.


Confused about the clothes thing...you just need new clothes or are you concerned about the weather change? It isn't very cold here IMO.

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Oh, and in reference to buying some for next week, I DO need clothes regardless of the trip up there..but I don't have any long sleeved things and only one pair of pants. So yeah, I generally need warmer clothes. Last year when we went up for thanksgiving, I about froze my rear off..lol

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Both..lol It's much colder up there than it is here. We didn't need coats at all last year. We don't get snow down here, and you get it up there..and ice storms, etc. None of that at all here.


Ah. I see. Well, I am from the part of AR just a little further south than the part of Tulsa area I am now. Also I was more in the RiverValley where we didn't really get a lot of snow....I am pretty sure we will get more here.


I wear coats but my ds never does. I quit buying him winter coats because he only wants to wear sweatshirts and hoodies. So it still isn't that bad. But colder than southern LA for sure!

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Confused about the clothes thing...you just need new clothes or are you concerned about the weather change? It isn't very cold here IMO.



I don't think you realize how warm it is here! We often have to run the air conditioner in the winter. We generally don't get our first freeze until December. I usually leave my plants out until first week of December at least. Spring begins mid February. We might have a couple of frosts after that, maybe one more freeze, but it's unusual. Most of us find anything below 50 degrees cold. We grow vegetables all winter, out in the open, maybe covering them once or twice during that time. Our trees still have leaves on them until mid December. We cut grass 10 mnths out of the year.


Believe me, anything north of Alexandria is COLD! LOL!


We went to Missouri and Iowa in September. I was cold most of the time there.

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I don't think you realize how warm it is here! We often have to run the air conditioner in the winter. We generally don't get our first freeze until December. I usually leave my plants out until first week of December at least. Spring begins mid February. We might have a couple of frosts after that, maybe one more freeze, but it's unusual. Most of us find anything below 50 degrees cold. We grow vegetables all winter, out in the open, maybe covering them once or twice during that time. Our trees still have leaves on them until mid December. We cut grass 10 mnths out of the year.


Believe me, anything north of Alexandria is COLD! LOL!


We went to Missouri and Iowa in September. I was cold most of the time there.


:lol: Yeah, I do forget how warm it is there...

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I don't think you realize how warm it is here! We often have to run the air conditioner in the winter. We generally don't get our first freeze until December. I usually leave my plants out until first week of December at least. Spring begins mid February. We might have a couple of frosts after that, maybe one more freeze, but it's unusual. Most of us find anything below 50 degrees cold. We grow vegetables all winter, out in the open, maybe covering them once or twice during that time. Our trees still have leaves on them until mid December. We cut grass 10 mnths out of the year.


Believe me, anything north of Alexandria is COLD! LOL!


We went to Missouri and Iowa in September. I was cold most of the time there.



Haha...when I first started reading, I thought you were talking about Oklahoma! I was thinking to myself...man, that sounds just like Louisiana and I KNOW OK is colder than this there! THEN I saw you say North of Alexandria...haha Yes...we grow gardens all year round and we have 6 weeks of winter IF you are lucky enough...you WANT it to kill off the bugs. We weren't so lucky last year!

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Haha...when I first started reading, I thought you were talking about Oklahoma! I was thinking to myself...man, that sounds just like Louisiana and I KNOW OK is colder than this there! THEN I saw you say North of Alexandria...haha Yes...we grow gardens all year round and we have 6 weeks of winter IF you are lucky enough...you WANT it to kill off the bugs. We weren't so lucky last year!



LOL! yeah, a couple of good freezes to kill the mosquitos is necessary. THat's the only reason i even want some cold weather. Otherwise it can stay like this all year! Altho it is a little hot and humid today.


I think last winter made up for the winter before when we actually had the ice storm. First one in what, almost fifteen years? I think we had one in 95. We were living in Lawtell then (east of Eunice).

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