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Small dog questions. Can I be a (good) dog owner?

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Our small-ish dog (small spaniel sized) came to us already trained, but had accidents when in season or pregnant. Now that she's been spayed, she very rarely has an accident. She prefers to 'go' when we take a proper walk - the only time there are problems is when she has only been out in the garden, rather than for a full walk. It's good for both of us to be forced out for a brisk march.


Her normal schedule is: 7.30am quick out in the garden; around 5pm brisk walk (half hour or more); bedtime quick out in the garden.



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We have a yorkie. Our biggest problem training him was getting him to let us know he needed to potty. I taught him to ring a bell by the door. He goes out in the morning, midday, afternoon and before bed on average, so not too much. He can sleep 12 hours at night.


We still have baby gates up at the girls room and playroom so he doesn't eat/chew up their toys. He will still grab stuff left out though (he was 2 in June), that and barking at people outside are his two biggest annoyances.

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She's my best friend and my youngest child. I adore this dog. I take her with me much of the time I'm out and about in the car


I don't really care, though. At this point, I can't (and don't want to) imagine my life without her. I was just telling my daughter this evening that nothing can really bother me as long as I have this dog who loves me. She's such a wriggly, fluffy, wagging, adorable bundle of optimism and warmth, that she just makes everything better.



I am SO glad to hear I'm not the only person who is ridiculously in love with their pup. I feel exactly the same, and I take my dog everywhere. Having had big dogs in the past, I always assumed people crammed their little dogs in bags and trained them to sit on pillows. Ick. Now I know that little dogs love to perch on pillows (or the backs of sofas) and my dog gets all wiggly with excitement the moment she sees me reach for the bag. I just love her. :001_wub:

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I am SO glad to hear I'm not the only person who is ridiculously in love with their pup. I feel exactly the same, and I take my dog everywhere. Having had big dogs in the past, I always assumed people crammed their little dogs in bags and trained them to sit on pillows. Ick. Now I know that little dogs love to perch on pillows (or the backs of sofas) and my dog gets all wiggly with excitement the moment she sees me reach for the bag. I just love her. :001_wub:


This just makes me :001_smile:.

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We went to our local pound yesterday. Man, it's not for the faint of heart. I'd never been to the shelter. It was awful. Pitiful, really. My whole family is tramatized.


We came home with one dog a Cattle Dog mix. :tongue_smilie: This will be hubby's dog. I only wanted one dog, but I could not tell my husband no. If ya'll could have seen his face you'd understand. He looks like a little boy in a candy store, or like he's won the lottery. Seriously. It was $25 more for two dogs. I have a little Chihuahua waiting for me to pick up Monday or Tuesday. She has to be treated for her heart worms, be spayed and treated for kennel cough. Poor little sweet dear.


Wish us luck. I am so excited. (and nervous)So far 'Rider' has done well. He is snoozing on a blanket beside dh at this moment.


I have to go buy food for my little doggie and get her a collar and leash. She has nothing. A bonus is that 'Mandy' is a girl. I get to buy pink!! :D


You've all been very encouraging, I really appreciate you!

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We have two small breed dogs, a Maltese/yorkie mix (now 13 years old) and a chihuahua (not quite a year old).


Our older dog was very easy to housebreak. We actually had her penned in the kitchen and taught her to use newspapers (this was before I learned about the puppy pads). She only had about three indoor accidents. When she needs to go, she finds us and does a little wiggle dance. Out the door she goes to do her thing. I love my porky little morkie!


The chihuahua has been a nightmare to try to train. She is very spoiled and headstrong (thanks to Joy :glare:). She leaves little puddles in her wake and she crawls under the furniture to leave her little poops where we can't reach them. She only weighs 2 lbs, 3 ounces, so I have no problem pad training her, but she is so finicky, it drives me nuts. She will use each pad only once and then refuses to go near it. Dh is still in the doghouse for bringing that pita into our house without asking me about it first. I am not a fan, to put it mildly.

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We went to our local pound yesterday. Man, it's not for the faint of heart. I'd never been to the shelter. It was awful. Pitiful, really. My whole family is tramatized.


We came home with one dog a Cattle Dog mix. :tongue_smilie: This will be hubby's dog. I only wanted one dog, but I could not tell my husband no. If ya'll could have seen his face you'd understand. He looks like a little boy in a candy store, or like he's won the lottery. Seriously. It was $25 more for two dogs. I have a little Chihuahua waiting for me to pick up Monday or Tuesday. She has to be treated for her heart worms, be spayed and treated for kennel cough. Poor little sweet dear.


Wish us luck. I am so excited. (and nervous)So far 'Rider' has done well. He is snoozing on a blanket beside dh at this moment.


I have to go buy food for my little doggie and get her a collar and leash. She has nothing. A bonus is that 'Mandy' is a girl. I get to buy pink!! :D


You've all been very encouraging, I really appreciate you!



Like!!! :D

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