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39 clues books questions


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DS in interested in these books. He is also interested in the cards that help solve the mystery. Can I borrow the books from the library or buy the books used (without the cards) and purchase the card packs separately to get the same get (eventually, after the randomness of the cards) to get the cards to solve the mystery? I just don't want to pay ~$9 a book to have the cards to go with each book, and then I would have to buy the packs anyway to get the rest of the clues? Can anyone help me understand this? Do I need to collect ALL the cards to solve the clues? Would it be helpful to buy the books new so that I get the cards that are supposed to go with each particular book so that the clues are solved in order? This is the first step into chapter books without pictures, so I want to do this for him, but don't want to break the bank if it is not necessary. Anyone been there, done that???? :bigear:

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I think you could get the books from the library and buy the cards.


When we read the books (cards and all...the cards ARE great), you could write to Scholastic and ask for sets of code numbers without buying the cards. Don't know if you can still do that; look around on the website to see if you can.


The only other thing is that I think that the book bought new comes with a certain set of cards and I can't quite remember if you can get those cards in the bought packs.


Clear as mud?

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hang on...I have an 'expert' here....DS10 has read all the books and just completed the 39 clues online game thing. He says:



"The cards help understand the story because they have pictures and more info about the characters/places. They aren't part of the book story, though."


It sounds like the cards, other than just being 'neat' are only useful for the online 39-clues game. To win that, you need need the cards that come with the book (and you have to buy it - they're each uniquely numbered) + there are some puzzles online to have to beat, etc.

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