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I don't understand some people

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I just read a post on facebook from someone who was slamming a public figure. The whole (long) post was about respect and how this public figure didn't show respect in a particular situation. However, throughout the *entire* post, she called this public figure a name that was meant to show disrespect. This is the second time she's called out someone for a behavior, yet demonstrates that same behavior in her post. Does she really not see how hypocritical that is? I just don't get it. I want to respond, "Pot, meet Kettle."

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Without knowing specifics, I don't think it's necessarily a pot-calling-the-kettle-black situation.


If someone moons a random stranger I'm not out of line calling that person a jerk. I'm not being being hypocritical. Doing disrespectful things earns people a whole host of colourful titles. That's just a consequence of being disrespectful - you lose other people's respect.


If said public figure has said something disrespectful to someone he/or she claimed was being disrespectful and that was what this person on Facebook was criticizing then you have a point.

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The political postings on FB right now are driving me batty. FWIW, I'm equally irritated. My annoyance does not fall along party lines. I think staunch "fill in the blanks" are ALL out of line, selectively listening, and closed minded.


The older I get, and the more life experience, the less any kind of straight ticket makes sense to me.

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I just read a post on facebook from someone who was slamming a public figure. The whole (long) post was about respect and how this public figure didn't show respect in a particular situation. However, throughout the *entire* post, she called this public figure a name that was meant to show disrespect. This is the second time she's called out someone for a behavior, yet demonstrates that same behavior in her post. Does she really not see how hypocritical that is? I just don't get it. I want to respond, "Pot, meet Kettle."


Slowly step away from the computer and vow not to visit that person's Facebook page any more. Don't respond.




I know you'd love to call her out, but it won't make her change her behavior and you'll end up making an enemy.

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I just read a post on facebook from someone who was slamming a public figure. The whole (long) post was about respect and how this public figure didn't show respect in a particular situation. However, throughout the *entire* post, she called this public figure a name that was meant to show disrespect. This is the second time she's called out someone for a behavior, yet demonstrates that same behavior in her post. Does she really not see how hypocritical that is? I just don't get it. I want to respond, "Pot, meet Kettle."


I experieced this very thing. A "friend" on FB posted something (not exactly political) that was extremely hypocritical. Instead of posting on her status, I just made my own status update about pot and kettle. I in NO way referenced her status update, but I was unfriended within a few hours. Ehh...

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I experieced this very thing. A "friend" on FB posted something (not exactly political) that was extremely hypocritical. Instead of posting on her status, I just made my own status update about pot and kettle. I in NO way referenced her status update, but I was unfriended within a few hours. Ehh...


;) Sure you didn't reference her but YOU knew why you posted that and SHE knew why you posted that.

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;) Sure you didn't reference her but YOU knew why you posted that and SHE knew why you posted that.


My point is - if she knew I posted that because of her, she knew she was being hypocritcal. My status update was vague... I can't recall exactly what it said, but something very generic. No reference to the situation - just to the pot and kettle.


The OP said she didn't understand how the fb friend could not see how hypocritical she was being, but chances are that person does know and just doesn't care. :)

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The political postings on FB right now are driving me batty. FWIW, I'm equally irritated. My annoyance does not fall along party lines. I think staunch "fill in the blanks" are ALL out of line, selectively listening, and closed minded.


The older I get, and the more life experience, the less any kind of straight ticket makes sense to me.




This is one time of the year that I am thrilled we are not on facebook.


OP, without knowing more it is hard to say. However, I know that I have a relative that routinely uses facebook to "call out" others on the exact same behavior that she exhibits over and over again. She just feels that she is justifed while no one else has the right! :001_huh:



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Without knowing specifics, I don't think it's necessarily a pot-calling-the-kettle-black situation.


If someone moons a random stranger I'm not out of line calling that person a jerk. I'm not being being hypocritical. Doing disrespectful things earns people a whole host of colourful titles. That's just a consequence of being disrespectful - you lose other people's respect.


If said public figure has said something disrespectful to someone he/or she claimed was being disrespectful and that was what this person on Facebook was criticizing then you have a point.


I can't be more specific without breaking the rules, but it would be as if she complained about someone mooning, while doing it herself.

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Slowly step away from the computer and vow not to visit that person's Facebook page any more. Don't respond.




I know you'd love to call her out, but it won't make her change her behavior and you'll end up making an enemy.


That's what I should have done, but I did respond. It really is so unlike me, but I was in a really touchy mood last night. She responded so gracefully and we had a wonderful discussion and she ended it with, "It's so great that we can have a civil discourse even when we both feel strongly about (*****)."


It turned out well, and I see that as an unusual blessing!

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