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What do you think about this article?

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The truth is our cult of motherhood culture claims to value mothering and talks a big game on family values but in reality, we do not value domestic work and motherhood. We should and we don't. A careful, rather than reactionary, reading of that article will see that is part to what she is getting at.


I agree.

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The truth is our cult of motherhood culture claims to value mothering and talks a big game on family values but in reality, we do not value domestic work and motherhood. We should and we don't. A careful, rather than reactionary, reading of that article will see that is part to what she is getting at.


As someone who refuses to see myself as a mother first because it disturbs me somehow, I definitely agree that a lot of this "respect" for mothering is condescending and phony, and this country would be a different place if we really valued family.


I do feel like a bit of a loser for being at home. It doesn't quite seem respectable or respected, and it makes me sad.


There was an article in Harper's a while back called The Tyranny of Breastfeeding. This reminds me of that a bit.


But men never come to blows over this stuff.

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What is hard for me to swallow is when someone viciously and personally attacks me and my family-- last I knew that was not considered a "discussion." If you have a problem with me, as you seem to, I wish you would confront me privately. I have tried talking with you privately and you still seem to clearly have an issue with me of some sort.


Where have I posted anything against you, personally? Disagreeing with your POV, your argument or even your actions is not the same as having a personal problem with you. What would I confront you about? :confused:


Back to the thread, generally, I will have to agree with others that people are reacting to something that I don't see there. I believe that I see it differently in part because I have actually read Mary Wollstonecraft, Virginia Woolfe and other feminist writers. I absolutely believe that many here take their choices and value in society for granted. I wasn't offended or threatened by the article and I have been a SAHM for over 16 years.

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