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Threads on how to develop "math minded-ness"?


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I'm sure I recall several threads in the last six to eight weeks about how to develop math thinking skills in children, but search is not helping me (it rarely does when I'm looking for something specific). If you know what I'm talking about - or you posted on those threads - or you have any ideas - please post here.


DS11 ... I don't even know where to begin. It's like we start over with math nearly every day. Basic addition, simple multiplication, it's all new all the time.


I realized yesterday that he didn't understand exactly *what* a multiplication problem stood for (ie, 2x4 means 2 groups of 4).


When he sees two lines of 3 stars, his mind doesn't see six; he has to count each and every one. Someone had a thread recently about the same thing their child and got many suggestions.


We do have an appt to test for learning disabilities (as math is not his only struggle), but it is some time away. Any suggestions to work on in the meantime are very welcome!

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I just watched this inspiring video posted on another forum I frequent.



I would suggest checking out Jump Math which is the program this gentleman in the video put together. The math lessons are broken down into key components and easy to follow instructions. He also approaches it in several different ways until the student understands the concept completely.




quick edit: I would use the Canadian version as the US version isn't completely uploaded. Its pretty much the same thing just not in the same order. http://jumpmath1.org/publications

Edited by cokers4life
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If you have an ipad or iphone, there are some interesting apps that help build number sense through games, IMHO.


One that my kids really like is Wings by Motion Math. The game has you fly your bird through groups of blocks in grids, always steering your bird towards the biggest group. It is a fun way to work on quickly visually groups of numbers in an arrary, basically, multiplication tables.


Hungry Guppy is an app for younger students, but helps with a visual representation of simple addition/subtraction facts. It starts out with a concrete representation of numbers, then slowly adds in the use of actual numerals. It mixes the use of concrete items and numerals in an interesting way that could be helpful in developing number sense.


Zoom, also by Motion Math, is a visually interesting presentation of place value. Each place value is representated by a different size animal (tenths are bees, 1s are frogs, 10s are dogs, 100s are rhinos, etc.) and you can zoom in and out of the different sizes to place numbers on a number line. I think it can be a real help in giving an deeper grasp of place value.

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Games (I love Peggy Kaye's books, a lot of people love the Right Start games)

C-rods with Miquon or Education Unboxed

Living math books (there are TONS)

Using math in every day life, explaining what you are doing as you do it. "I want to get two cookies for each of us, so I get two for you, two for me makes four, and two for dh makes six. Three groups of two is six!"

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Not sure about the threads, but you should look up books at your library by Ronit Bird. They are great for helping kids with dyscalculia (having to count 6 makes me think he might have that). Many of the activities suggested are similar to what I've done with my girls in the videos linked in my signature below. HTH!

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