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How do you study/focus on Thanksgiving with older children? (Mine is 11yo.)

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I think that if you'd like to do something, I'd choose one element of something you've done in previous years and delve more deeply.


Plimoth Plantation has some interesting stuff about Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure for what age. http://www.plimoth.org/learn/MRL/interact/thanksgiving-interactive-you-are-historian


You could do something about myths and truths of the first Thanksgiving, or perhaps something about how it became a holiday (ties into how government works?). Native American studies... or perhaps the chapter from "Lies My History Teacher Told Me."


What about a multicultural study of what different cultures do to give thanks?


I haven't actually done these things with an 11 year old so definitely review them yourself first! Hope you come up with something that works for you!

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We watch Desperate Crossing:




Netflix has it. We also like Samuel Eaton's day and the girl and Native American volumes too. The kids in them are older, even though they're picture books.


You could read The Witch of Blackbird Pond, too.

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