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Math U See Unit tests


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We never timed them. However we did use the tests as an indicator of understanding the material covered. Typically we look for high scores: 90%+. If scores are lower then we go back over areas which may not have been fully understood or retained. If mastery is the goal then moving on before complete understanding wasn't something we wanted to do. Surprising lower scores didn't happen very often with this approach.

Edited by dereksurfs
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When we used them we didn't time, either, partly b/c Button was young for the level. Is there a reason you want to time them -- is the work taking too long, is there dawdling? if not, if the child is working well and it isn't taking crazy long, I wouldn't think you need to time unless you want to train timed-test-taking specifically.

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We just started this year because dh is concerned that ds won't know how to take tests - personally I don't agree but it's easy enough to just throw in a unit test here or there as a compromise.


Anyways we just do it as part of our regular math. Ds is a math whiz so that means about 5-10 minutes total to do 2 MUS worksheets. It takes him only slightly longer for the unit tests because I make him check over his work before turning it in.


OP, are you giving the tests so that your dc learn to take tests or is it to judge how well they know the concepts? If it's to learn to take tests then I'd set a time limit. If it's to see how much they know then I'd let them take however long as they want.

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My son gets distracted easily. So I thought if I gave him a time frame and made it a bit of a big deal, he might concentrate on it better. I tried it yesterday and gave him 20 minutes. He finished in 12 minutes with 100%. So I guess I'll keep doing it that way.


Thanks for all of the input.

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