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Wheelock's Latin


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I just picked up Wheelock's Latin so I can run through it again. My son is moving really fast through BB LL 1, I think I will use Wheelocks, with my own plan after. Very slowly of course. He is loving Latin.


It was extra cool to get it at Barnes and Noble Teachers Appreciation Day, at 25% off. Wooo hoooo

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Ahh -- for you, it's a good idea.

For your son, I'd wait until high school aged (or maybe 7th or 8th grade if he turned out to have a masochistic streak)... I used it in college and it was good... but I wouldn't consider it for my own kids any time soon for fear of putting them off Latin forever.

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Loo I am not thinking about it when he is 6. I am refreshing.


I can't recommend Dale Grote's supplemental Companion to Wheelock's book more highly. He has a gift as a teacher for knowing where students get stuck or confused in Wheelock's and he straightens it out with great explanations. This is especially valuable for self-study w/o a knowledgebale teacher.



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I can't recommend Dale Grote's supplemental Companion to Wheelock's book more highly. He has a gift as a teacher for knowing where students get stuck or confused in Wheelock's and he straightens it out with great explanations. This is especially valuable for self-study w/o a knowledgebale teacher.




I got it Bill. I did Wheelock years ago, much of it I have retained.

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