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Teachers Lounge 10-11-12

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Happy 10-11-12! :D


I realized I hadn't opened the lounge yet! Are you hungry??


I'm snacking on a Pumpkin Spice bagel with pb and local honey, accompanied by a cheese stick and water.


What are you up to today? Here: more house cleaning/decluttering, homework, and also prepping for scrapbooking tomorrow. :hurray: Oh, yeah, and a massage! :001_smile:


My brain is too foggy to think of more questions so I'll let you think of some! ;)


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Happy 10-11-12!


I realized I hadn't opened the lounge yet! Are you hungry??


I'm snacking on a Pumpkin Spice bagel with pb and local honey, accompanied by a cheese stick and water.

Hi! Sounds good.


I had leftover chicken sausage with green beans and goat cheese over rice.


What are you up to today? Here: more house cleaning/decluttering, homework, and also prepping for scrapbooking tomorrow. :hurray: Oh, yeah, and a massage! :001_smile:
Wow! Kudos to you! Did you get out of the impromptu babysitting job that your hubs "arranged" for you tomorrow night?


Took ds10 to our mini-co-op class (Literature circle). Making sure the kids are done w/ their co-op class assignments for tomorrow and making sure my lesson plans are in order for the classes I teach.


My brain is too foggy to think of more questions so I'll let you think of some!
How about a "talent show and tell"? Since we really can't "show" our talent, let's tell about it.


I'm not very talented, but I can wiggle my ears. ;)

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Happy 10-11-12! :D


I realized I hadn't opened the lounge yet! Are you hungry??



What are you up to today?


Talk to me!:bigear:



Good afternoon! Not hungry here--we've already had breakfast, snack, and lunch! For breakfast, I had Cinnamon Life cereal with a splash of 2% milk. For morning snack, I had 1/4 cup mixed nuts. For lunch, I had some flatbread crackers with 2 wedges of Laughing Cow sundried tomato & mozzarella spread, and a 1/4 cup lightly salted sunflower seeds. I am almost done with the kids' school lessons for today. We just need to go over our history questions. I also did 2.85 miles on the treadmill while the kids worked on independent work. I'm now showered, ready to go to open observation week at dd15's dance class at 4:30. After that, the two of us are going to grab a quick bite to eat for dinner on our way to her National Honor Society Induction ceremony. DH will be taking the other 3 kids to soccer practice.

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Not hungry, but I had yogurt with cranberries and coconut for breakfast and pb&apple for lunch. My 3 day migraine has finally gone away right on schedule which is good. I really don't think I could handle a 4th day.


I have one more meeting today that I should be getting ready for, but I am finishing my lunch. :)


Youngest and I made a gf chocolate cake and cleaned and vacuumed the lower 2 floors and decorated for the doll birthday party this afternoon. We also did her school work. I think more of the toys need birthdays if it will involved chocolate cake and a willing partner for cleaning.


Later today, I have to pick up a priority box to ship some stuff to ds. I also need to run by the bank and then I need to go into the office at older dd's school. Her mid-semester evaluations and portfolios are ready for pickup and review. Tonight, dh is taking her to a pizza and ice-cream party for the 6th grade girls. He does all food-related outings. It is just easier that way.


I don't have a talent unless it is list making or English-to-English translation.

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No, did not get out of babysitting job but since hubby realized his error HE has said he will babysit the kids!

I thought about changing my scrapbooking schedule, as it is technically an all day thing but then I thought, "Why? He brought this on himself!" Besides tomorrow during the day I'm really hoping to get my paper done!


Talent: Margaret, I'm with you on misplacing paperwork, books, etc. If you want real talent, I am pretty talented in ballet. When I lose 60 more pounds then I can go on pointe!

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