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Bulk cooking--with conditions

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We are a family of 4. I do the bulk/all of the cooking. I used to not mind it, but I'm in a funk recently. I want to try to limit how much cooking I have to do, so I was thinking of doing a couple BIG meals a couple times a week and then doing a lot of "leftovers". Ya know, like a big pot of chili big enough to make meals for 3 nights or so.

Caveats: DH is dairy-free, I try to eat mostly gluten-free and low-carb/low-grain, and I've got 2 semi-picky eaters. Oh, and I get a lot of seasonal produce from our weekly CSA that I need to use up [and I don't know what I'll be getting ahead of time]. We do eat meat.


This is what I've come up with so far:



veggie soup with or without meat

beef roast

beans w/ or w/o ham/sausage








taco-seasoned beans


I'm just not thinking of this very well.


Any tips/suggestions?

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I make pepper steak, and we eat it for a couple of days. I've even been known to add a can of beef broth to the leftovers, along with just a handful of rice, and serve it as pepper steak soup. All the goodness but not so much starch.


It has steak strips, bell peppers, onions, garlic, a can of diced tomatoes, a can of beef broth, a bit of soy sauce, and can be thickened with corn starch or just left more brothy. Night one is usually served over rice. I've added other veggies- zucchini, mushrooms, celery, carrots, and occasionally broccoli.

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Depending on your CSA for the week, roast or grill chicken and vegetables one night.


Leftover night one: build your own salad with chopped chicken/vegetables


Leftover night two: chicken and veggie soup (or simply roasted vegetable soup, pureed. Cauliflower or potato add a nice creaminess without dairy)


I've served almost every one of the following recipes (with tweaking for personal taste/dietary requirements) with minimal family complaints:



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roasted butternut squash soup! Yum! I am eating it now!


I roast 10lbs in the oven, a coupla onions, puree it with my hand blender in about 7 cans of broth. A tsp salt, a tsp curry, a bit of pepper and 1/4 cup br sugar...enough for about 3 meals maybe? Anyhow this fits nicely into my big pasta pot and freezes nicely.

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