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Contraceptive Question

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I got pregnant with #2 just 3 weeks post partum. Seriously, I had not even finished with the after birth stuff (gross I know but I had been on bed rest from 17 weeks on so we were both pretty desperate for some tEA. I had no idea you could even ovulate while that was going on. Surprise!


Surprise indeed!! Wow. And :grouphug: for what people say when it's not their business.


DH has had problems since his vasectomy but still says it was worth it.


What problems? It would have to be deadly to deter dh :lol: but I'm curious.

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And he already HAS an old knee injury that flares up. :lol: Thanks.
So does mine. :D He has had to cut down on bike-riding, if I may give a little TMI. But we were down to only the charting method at that point and now he can have it pretty much whenever he wants (that was kinda the deal if I remember correctly), so it is very worth it for both of us. He isn't cranky all of the time anymore. ;)
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