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My OB's nurse just called....

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My HCG levels went up 283% which the nurse said is a good indicator that everything is ok. I do have to take Progesterone as that was borderline. They want to wait two weeks to do a scan so I'll go for that on October 18th. I was able to talk in depth to the nurse about what kind of pain to look for. With the last ectopic I did not notice any pain until the tube was starting to rupture. I hate that they want you to look for bleeding. With the last one I had no bleeding ever. Even when I was at the hospital in excruciating pain because the tube was in the process of bursting open I went to the bathroom twice and there was no bleeding. She said with ectopics the HCG levels don't generally rise that quickly so they are pretty optimistic it's not an ectopic. They don't want to do the U/S right now because I'm still so early they could miss something. Thanks for all the prayers. I truly do feel them and appreciate them.


If any of my friends IRL are on here, please don't talk about this yet. I'm just not ready. Sometimes the anonymity of the internet is a beautiful thing. :tongue_smilie:

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Great news!


I understand your worries. I had no pain with my ectopic and no bleeding with the rupture. I wouldn't be comfortable with waiting two weeks (the possibility of peace of mind would outweigh the stress of possibly not seeing anything yet, for me) but that increase sounds terrific!


My post-ectopic baby is running around with a meatball in his hand right now. :lol:



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I hadno pain either with my first ectopic, just a slight discomfort, and no bleeding. All of my bleeding was inside. I did spot with my second ectopic. My levels rose normally at first and then dropped off, then rose again.


It is so so scary after ectopics. When I had my u/s that showed my son was in the right place, the whole office cried with me. He was the only pregnancy of five that was successful.





Hoping the best for you.

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