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Dr. Hive, sore throat and minor swelling in neck?

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I've had a sore throat for a few weeks now, on and off, that hasn't turned into a cold or cough. I also have a but of swelling in my neck, down at the base of my throat (near to the collarbones, pretty far down).

No fever, no sinus issues.

DH wants me to see a doc (he's the one who noticed the minor swelling), but I feel silly going with no clear signs of an infection or more serious issues.


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Are you fatigued at all? My daughter had a slight sore throat, some swelling in the neck, and was somewhat fatigued. It turned out she had mono. Her symptoms were not strongly in favor of mono, and the doctor only did the test at the last minute.


The sore throat, even though minor, was strep -- a result of a suppressed immune system due to the mono. The swelling was her glands due to the infection.

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Go to the dr...get your thyroid checked.


:iagree: I have a sore throat off and on, and sometimes a gland swollen on one or both sides, during allergy season, from the sinus drainage. With fullness that low, though, I'd be concerned there was a thyroid issue.

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