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Magic School Bus Video "question guides"


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So I just purchased the Magic School Bus DVD collection on Amazon. The price dropped to $42 from $55 as of yesterday! I am wondering: does anyone know of any supplemental resources/guides that have been put together to use with the DVDs? Meaning - if I let the kids watch an episode in the afternoon while I'm doing something else... is there a resource somewhere that has question lists for the episodes, so I can quiz the kids/see if they retained anything of useful educational content from their TV time? :)


I know I could ask them open ended questions based on what the episode title was, but short of watching all the episodes myself I was wondering if there's a "cheat sheet" of sorts for parents.


Maybe that's just a crazy idea - but I've tried googling it using a few different search terms and nothing. I also checked out the Scholastic site and didn't find anything pertinent. So before I give up on the idea I thought I'd appeal to the collective knowledge found here!



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Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for.




That looks awesome, thanks! I just ordered the DVD set from Amazon, too after seeing this thread and the price. Science is my homeschooling nemesis. DH is supposed (and wants) to do it, but he's so busy right now, so I'm shooting for exposure.

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I created a notebooking page to go with MSB but I don't know how to share documents yet. If anyone is interested you can PM me with your email address and I can email it to you. It doesn't have specific questions about each episode but it is just a generic page that can be used with any of the episodes.

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Thanks for the link, I didn't see that one somehow. It's not quite what I'm after but it's a start. Maybe I'll have to come up with question guides and post one myself? :)


And thanks for the offer on the ntoebooking sheet - I sent a PM!


I am excited to get the DVDs. I've been watching the price since June... I know that many of the episodes are on YouTube, it's just so much more convenient to have them ready to pop into the DVD player... !

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