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is it okay to sleep with noise-reduction earmuffs on?

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I got my 16yo noise-reduction earmuffs to try out. She didn't go to the Taylor Swift concert last year because she knew she wouldn't be able to stand earplugs. I found some nice noise-reduction earmuffs for her on amazon for just $11 that should make the concert possible for her.


She will be in a dorm at college next year and is curious whether or not it is safe to wear the earmuffs while sleeping.


She could definitely still hear a smoke alarm. The question is whether or not it would affect your hearing if you were wearing them to sleep every night.


These are what we have.


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Just buy a cheap fan- the cheaper, the noisier! ;) we can't sleep without a fan and now we've ruined our kids, too. We even travel with it.


I wouldn't think earmuffs would damage anything, but they'd probably be uncomfortable and disrupt sleep.


Dh auditions fans at stores, trying to find the loudest one, and then buys multiples. It's getting harder and harder to find a noisy fan! Manufacturers have this crazy notion that consumers want quiet fans.


Also, I can't imagine how earmuffs would have a negative impact on your hearing. I think it would drive me nuts to have them on my head while I was trying to sleep; but I tend to move around in the night and sometimes sleep on my side.

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My DD now uses those little foam noise reducing earplugs when she sleeps, but she used to use one of those bands that wraps around (for swimmers)

like these


Edited by mom2jjka
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