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question about 1st birthday party for two kiddos close in age?

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Dfd turned 1 yesterday :party: My parents and my two oldest kiddos are in New York (vacation) until Oct 5th.


Dfs turns 1 on Nov. 9th.


We wanted to wait to have dfd's b-day party til my parents and kiddos get back....so then I'm looking at Oct 7th at the earliest.


I also want to have a party for dfs for his birthday but I feel bad inviting people to two parties within a month of each other...plus it's a lot of planning on our part.


What would you all think of us having a combined 1st birthday party for both babies on Oct 7th? It would be a month early for our little Frog....and almost 3 weeks late for our Fairy princess ;)


Ideas? Thanks :)


(I have the same issue with ds12 and dd13 because their birthdays are 3 weeks apart...oy!)

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At a year old, the party is more for those around them, the kids don't know/care anyway, combine them. We also have children just over a year apart, and they went through a phase where they didn't want to combine, but now, as teens, they're liking the fact that they can do something bigger if they combine together. They also tend to have the same group of friends, so combining works from that angle -- also breaks up the awkwardness when ds wants to invite a female friend or dd wants to invite a male friend, since the party is for both of them.

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