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Anyone buy an iphone at the store the day it comes out?

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So we have never had an iphone. In fact, we just got smart phones back in March (droid bionics). I greatly disliked mine from the get-go--it wouldn't connect to the internet, so the nice guy at Costco had to take things out of it, reset it, etc. to get it to work. Then it would randomly turn itself to airplane mode, causing me to miss calls because I had no idea it was off, and it would take longer and longer to actually answer, causing people to hang up on me, since they thought I wasn't answering. At one point I couldn't access my messages for a few weeks! I kept taking it back in to Costco, and the nice guy would fiddle with it, take out the sim card, put it back to factory settings, etc., and it would start again.


Well, all that was cured back in August! We were in St. Louis for a wedding, staying in one of those suite hotels, and our 16 month old microwaved dh's and my cell phones in one of those conveniently-located under-the-counter microwaves, with a dial! Ack! DH's phone was totally fried. Mine miraculously still works somewhat--the touchpad works, and it still makes and receives calls, but the buttons on the bottom don't work, so I can't go to my "home" screen, or back out of an option or anything. I leave the phone on "dialer" and only call numbers I know, LOL. But it no longer turns itself onto airplane mode!!


My dh traded his number to the "dumb" phone we had gotten for our older boys, and they are using a really old phone a friend gave us. I kept using my phone, but we're paying for a smartphone, when the phone is definitely no longer smart, LOL. So we're thinking of getting an iphone as a 4th line (we already have another dumb phone we got off Amazon to be for the boys, and we would switch my number or dh's to the iphone).


Dh called the Verizon store to ask about how to get one. They said they sold out online in an hour, and that if we order online now, it would be months before we get one. So now he's thinking of going to the store tomorrow early (how early?!) and seeing if he can get one there.


Has anyone ever done this? I have never paid the slightest attention to the previous iphone releases, so I have no idea if this is a reasonable plan or not. Is it like the really cheap laptops that stores get for the day after Thanksgiving, where there's actually just like 3 in the store, and you could wait for hours and be out of luck? Will there be people camping out for hours or days before tomorrow at 8:00 when the store opens?


We're having another baby in November, so I'd like to have the phone by then, so we will have internet access at the hospital (it's a military hospital, and wi-fi has been spotty in the past). Otherwise, we could just order online and wait.

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It's not reasonable, unless you started camping out about two days ago, really! Lines will be long. Inventory will be small. It will continue that way for about a month. Watch Apple.com to see if they open up reservations, where you reserve one and go the next day to get it. And if they do strart that, reservations sell out quickly each night. Otherwise, expect about a month or so to hunt one down and get lucky. Often ordering online, although seems like a long wait, is just as quick and no hunt time involved.

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My got-to-have-the-latest-gadgets dh always pre-orders when the new iphones come out. By that I mean, order to have delivered to our house. No lines and the only wait is for the delivery man. You should be able to set it up at home. If not, going to an AT&T store or Verizon store later on that day shouldn't be too crowded.

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Thank you both for the replies! I think he's going to show up at the store early tomorrow and see what the situation is, and order online as the backup plan.


OR--maybe we'll just get the iphone 4S. I don't know that we absolutely need all the newest bells and whistles. Dh is concerned that Apple won't support the old phone/network, but maybe it won't be a problem for the 2 years we'd have it? We are definitely not the biggest tech users!

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