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Chalkdust Math - how many odd problems do you assign?


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Mr. Mosely recommends about 35 problems per section. There are 120+ problems in section 1.4 Algebra. Do you feel comfortable assigning every other odd problem? We have been working for over an hr with homework, and I'm thinking I need to shorten this up a bit.


I see this answer to a question on the Chalkdust website:

"Modify your assignments a bit to shorten the time spent "in the book". Our general recommendation of working odd-numbered problems does not necessarily mean you have to work ALL of the odd-numbered problems; 30-35 problems per section should suffice. It's about learning concepts--not memorizing problems."

Edited by LNC
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Do you feel comfortable assigning every other odd problem?

Yes, absolutely. Three of our dc have gone through the Chalkdust high school sequence. It's worked well for them to do every other odd problem (1, 5, 9, 13, etc.). If a child needs help with a concept, makes too many sloppy errors, doesn't show his/her work, etc., then there are plenty of extra problems to do for reinforcement.


Our solution manuals have worked-out even problems, and I've found that the evens are almost identical to their corresponding odd problems.


I hope CD Algebra it works out for you and your student.

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