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Bal-a-vis-x anyone?

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Their are a number of different programs like this.

Which are based on the fact that the left side of the body/ head is controlled by one side of the brain, and other side by the other side of the brain.

We aren't born with a connection between both sides, rather it is something that we develop.

Which begins when a baby tries to clap its hands, and then learning to crawl is a major part of the developing the connection. Then playing with balls further develops it.

But how well the connection is developed, is just a random thing?

So that these programs will help, if the connection hasn't been fully developed.

Where they simply use balls and bean-bags, to exercise and further develop the connection between both sides.

They often also use a 'balance board', which further refines the connection.


Though I had a look at their website, where they have a page with demonstrations of the exercises.

So that if you have a couple of small balls? You could try out the exercises?

Where as you go through them, you will be able to identify how well developed the connection is?

Then if you identify a difficulty at a certain stage, then you can use the exercises to further develop it.



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We tried it. I bought the entire kit, along with 2 balance boards. The only disavantage (and it is a problem) is the user manual is old and not the greatest.


The whole kit is sold under another name -- I can't remember it -- with an updated manual, or maybe a DVD, again, I can't remember, but it was more expensive, so I went with the original. Plus, it was made in the USA, whereas the other one was China.


Since the manual wasn't great, and I wanted my guy to be able to do it somewhat independently (after I trained him), I made up some sheets with pictures that described what he should do, in what order. That worked, and I would train him on how to do it, then he could just follow along on the sheets on his own and do it. BUT, then I ran out of time making the sheets, and we moved, and basically, we stopped. We only did it for probably one month.


Did it help? I didn't really see anything, although I don't think we gave it enough of a try. Which is what I heard from people before I bought it. I haven't talked with anyone who really stuck with it for a long time and could therefore say whether it was beneficial. :)

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We tried it. I bought the entire kit, along with 2 balance boards. The only disavantage (and it is a problem) is the user manual is old and not the greatest.

I am not sure you are talking about Bal-a-vis-x. Could it have been Learning Breakthrough from Balametrics? How long ago did you buy it?

Balavisx is based on Balametrics and uses similar equipment. Another program that uses balance boards is NeuroNet.


The whole kit is sold under another name -- I can't remember it -- with an updated manual, or maybe a DVD, again, I can't remember, but it was more expensive, so I went with the original. Plus, it was made in the USA, whereas the other one was China.

Neither Balametrics nor Balavisx equipment have ever been made in China. This really makes me think the program you had was not Balavisx.

If you think of the program you had, please let us know.

I own both Learning Breakthrough from Balametrics and Balavisx and have taken training from their founders. :001_smile:

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We tried it. I bought the entire kit, along with 2 balance boards. The only disavantage (and it is a problem) is the user manual is old and not the greatest.

I am not sure you are talking about Bal-a-vis-x. Could it have been Learning Breakthrough from Balametrics? How long ago did you buy it?

Balavisx is based on Balametrics and uses similar equipment. Another program that uses balance boards is NeuroNet.


The whole kit is sold under another name -- I can't remember it -- with an updated manual, or maybe a DVD, again, I can't remember, but it was more expensive, so I went with the original. Plus, it was made in the USA, whereas the other one was China.

Neither Balametrics nor Balavisx equipment have ever been made in China. This really makes me think the program you had was not Balavisx.


If you think of the program you had, please let us know.



I own both Learning Breakthrough from Balametrics and Balavisx and have taken training from their founders. :001_smile:


Yes! You're right -- it is Balametrics! It was a few years ago, and we used Balavisx with an OT, so that's why I got confused. Maybe it is Neuronet that had the Chinese equipment.

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Hi :)


I was on post today and saw that there is someone who gives monthly classes of Bal - a -vis -x, you attend 3 sessions.


It is presented as something to help relieve stress and help with thinking, on the sign it says it is good for mtbi (minor traumatic brain injury).

Edited by Lecka
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I own both Learning Breakthrough from Balametrics and Balavisx and have taken training from their founders. :001_smile:

What did you think of the training for these programs? I'm considering taking one of them the next time the opportunity comes up.


We have both, but I haven't made much use of them so far, especially Bal-a-vis-x (unfortunate name, IMO... the abbreviation "Bav-X" is even more clunky :tongue_smilie:). I don't think the bouncing hard rubber balls would be a good match with our glass patio doors and overhead lighting fixtures. I'm hoping we can find time to get the garage cleared out to use it for this sort of thing. Otherwise, Balametrics is a lot more feasible for our family.

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  • 2 months later...

Has anybody finished any of these programs - Bal-a-vis-x, Learning Breakthrough Program, Dore Program, Neuronet, Brain Gym, Touch For Health, or Trager Movement Re-education and Mentastics?


I paid for an expensive neurofeedback assesment and found out that it will take at least 80 sessions and $10,000 :001_unsure: before I find out if neurofeedback is effective for my child, so I'm wondering which alternative treatments are worth trying first. I realize that there is no scientific research that shows that any of the balance/movement programs are efficacious. :sad:

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What does the "HELP" program stand for? How much of the twice-a-day exercises for 12 months (as recommended by Balametrics / Learning Breakthrough Program) were you able to complete?

We used the Balametrics (balance board and bags). We did see improvements with my son. We have friends that have used the HELP program with good outcome also.

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