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Everything posted by richieheleng

  1. Hi I bought the level b-1 to help my daughter with severe learning disability to read. She is reading at 1st -2nd grade level (advance reading instruction level 2). I was wondering which is the best way that she will remember that the sound oa, sometimes is o-e, o, ow and the ow in show has a different sound that the ow in cow. Hopefully you understand my question, English is not my first language, so my written expression is not very good. thanks
  2. Please help me to choose a curriculum for my 12 year old. Her iq is 70-80, She is still reading and doing math at 1st grade level. Her handwriting is very ineligible. . She has been in different special ed schools and always has been 3 years behind and does not make progress. I want homeschool her, but i have a lot of fears because i don not how to start. I have been doing apples and pears, level A. I also have Mus alpha. My question is what a curriculum should have for her day. Is apples and pears enought for language and arts or should i include grammar. Any suggestion for science , social study etc . Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
  3. Please help me to choose a curriculum for my 12 year old. Her iq is 70-80, She is still reading and doing math at 1st grade level. Her handwriting is very ineligible. . She has been in different special ed schools and always has been 3 years behind and does not make progress. I want homeschool her, but i have a lot of fears because i don not how to start. I have been doing apples and pears, level A. I also have Mus alpha. My question is what a curriculum should have for her day. Is apples and pears enought for language and arts or should i include grammar. Any suggestion for science , social study etc . Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
  4. Please help me to choose a curriculum for my 12 year old. Her iq is 70-80, She is still reading and doing math at 1st grade level. Her handwriting is very ineligible. . She has been in different special ed schools and always has been 3 years behind and does not make progress. I want homeschool her, but i have a lot of fears because i don not how to start. I have been doing apples and pears, level A. I also have Mus alpha. My question is what a curriculum should have for her day. Is apples and pears enought for language and arts or should i include grammar. Any suggestion for science , social study etc . Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
  5. Please help me to choose a curriculum for my 12 year old. Her iq is 70-80, She is still reading and doing math at 1st grade level. Her handwriting is very ineligible. . She has been in different special ed schools and always has been 3 years behind and does not make progress. I want homeschool her, but i have a lot of fears because i don not how to start. I have been doing apples and pears, level A. I also have Mus alpha. My question is what a curriculum should have for her day. Is apples and pears enought for language and arts or should i include grammar. Any suggestion for science , social study etc . Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
  6. Please help me to choose a curriculum for my 12 year old. Her iq is 70-80, She is still reading and doing math at 1st grade level. Her handwriting is very ineligible. . She has been in different special ed schools and always has been 3 years behind and does not make progress. I want homeschool her, but i have a lot of fears because i don not how to start. I have been doing apples and pears, level A. I also have Mus alpha. My question is what a curriculum should have for her day. Is apples and pears enought for language and arts or should i include grammar. Any suggestion for science , social study etc . Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
  7. Please help me to choose a curriculum for my 12 year old. Her iq is 70-80, She is still reading and doing math at 1st grade level. Her handwriting is very ineligible. . She has been in different special ed schools and always has been 3 years behind and does not make progress. I want homeschool her, but i have a lot of fears because i don not how to start. I have been doing apples and pears, level A. I also have Mus alpha. My question is what a curriculum should have for her day. Is apples and pears enought for language and arts or should i include grammar. Any suggestion for science , social study etc . Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
  8. My son is 14, PDD- NOS, and has a very hard time writing anything. Just to give you an example The teacher gives him the paper and ask him to wite about his weekend or vacation and he will basicly write a sentence and then he goes blank. When he writes something he is very concrete and do not use too many adjectives or details. He was doing vv with a wonderful tutor and he was making very good progress, but my tutor she is moving and I was wondering if anyone can recomend a good writing program similar to vv, that i can do with him druring summer time. Thanks
  9. Hi i saw your post about masgutova method, i am considering it for my daughter, can you please share what are the good things or improvments you have seen? Thanks so much
  10. Thanks,but how can I teach which one to use like if we are practicing spelling and I said write Boat, some tiimes she write bote, or I said stroke and she will write stroak. Is this just memorization or there is another rule that she can use.? Thanks
  11. to: catus flower. Which one do you like more? Have you use both? If so, what results have you seen? Thanks
  12. Has anyone have used this system and see results? If so can you share what kind of result have you seen? Thanks
  13. Hi my daughter is learning to read and spell, but she has a very bad memory and is having a very difficult time remembering which combination of this vowels to use. Do you know of any tips or rule that can help her to remember? Thanks Helen
  14. Hi I have a 13 years old boy with pdd nos that hates reading and writing essays. He usually does not have any idea in how to start a paragraph and have a very difficult time making book reports. I appreciate any recommendation of programs that address written expression. Thanks
  15. Hi my daughter that is 10 can not memorize her math facts, she use her fingers, but can not memorize simple math facts. I was reading the reviews of semple math, I was wondering if I need to buythe whole level 1 or with the Tm and student book is enough? She is using cle right now, I just need something that can help her to memorize her facts. Thanks
  16. Hi I have this book and I did the questionnaire on page 290 to know in what areas my child was week. There is the area under each question that will let you know what area do you have to work more. It said ET, VMP, VM. What does ET means? Thanks
  17. Hi I was wondering if anyone knows what grade level is considered the advance reading instruction set 3? Thanks
  18. Hi I am doing cle with my daughter, she is having so much trouble understanding the biggest number and the least, we are in unit 103. Any tips will be appreciated. Thanks
  19. I have been using I see Sam with my dd with good results, she just finished ari 2. She knows the sounds of each letter, my question is how do you introduce rules like the soft c in price and g gentle and other consonants that change the sound with a particular rule. Do you use another program for that? because i just tell her what the word is, but I am afraid when she find another word with the same rule, she does not know how to pronounce.
  20. I want to thanks everyone in this forum for all the good advise and your willness to help people. I have a question about this 2 programs.Can I use this 2 programs at the same time? My daughter 10 ld with a delay in all academics, but her bigger issue is handwriting. We just finished I see Sam ari2 and she did well. We are starting ari3 now, but every time she find a new word she has problem decoding it. After 3 or 4 time seeing it she can read it. She goes to a small private school where she works with a teacher aid for 2 hours for math and reading, she is 4 years behind in everything. I am using apples and pears , she is in level 1, and i like it a lot because she could not write or spell anything before we started A and P. I found a very good tutor trained in OG, with a real passion for teaching, that is willing to train her teacher and make the lesson plans for her so the teacher can work with my daughter everyday and and that way It will be cheaper for me. I was wondering if I do both , if that can confuse her?. I do not know too much about OG. Thanks
  21. How do you use the cursor, it is necesary letter by letter? Ottake what program do you use for math? Thanks
  22. , it's basically an index card with a notch cut out in the corner to only show one word at a time. The child who used DB/FT struggled with following the line and this tip really helped him. That was one of my question how to use the cursor. I thought it was one letter at the time instead of one word. Will that affect fluency in the future? So I see Sam and Dancing Bears can be used toguether? thanks
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