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HOD storytime choices


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Did anyone choose books other than the suggested ones? If so what were they and how did you like them?


I didn't, but so far they like the one we've read. We've only ready one though :) We have Bigger's boy interest pack. I think I may choose my own next year, but who knows. There are just so many great books out there. We read to the kids at night as well, so I get to pick those.

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We are choosing our own for the most part, but I do have some of the listed choices and might read those. Our current story time title is Missionary stories with the millers--a fabulous read aloud and the kids keep asking for more stories!


Ohh....I need to remember to add that in some way. We own it, but I haven't read it to the kiddos yet.

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That would be great! We are doing Bigger :)


We're doing Bigger too. I did pick from HOD's choices, BUT I picked the books I knew we'd love based on what my oldest loved- or I loved reading to him.


We're currently reading Ben & Me and we both love it. So funny from the mouse's perspective, but still good info.


Some others that I know we'll love based on my reason above:

Snow Treasure

The Indian in the Cupboard

Balto and the Great Race

By the Great Horn Spoon


The Whipping Boy

(I consider these last three don't miss titles for every child!)


My ds was excited to see Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective on the list, so we'll read that too. A few of the ones we'll miss, like The Balloon Boy of San Francisco and Misty of Chincoteague, we'll read at bedtime, over breaks or the summer. I have some other non-HOD titles we'll be reading and we read those almost exclusively at bedtime.


All of that said, if you have other titles available go with what you want. There are soooo many good books available.

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My main reason for asking is because I can't decide on a biography. I don't really want to do the ones suggested. Ben & Me is scheduled as an extension.


Ben & Me is also in the Classic Set; are you saying you do or don't want to read that one? That is the bio that we read and my ds loved it. HOD has so many suggestions, we normally do read their suggestions for the actual storytime, but will occasionally add another one additionally if I see that Sonlight or TOG or MFW has a book that I really want to read that isn't scheduled in HOD.

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Ben & Me is also in the Classic Set; are you saying you do or don't want to read that one? That is the bio that we read and my ds loved it. HOD has so many suggestions, we normally do read their suggestions for the actual storytime, but will occasionally add another one additionally if I see that Sonlight or TOG or MFW has a book that I really want to read that isn't scheduled in HOD.


I do want to read it, but since my son is going to be doing the extensions and it is listed as one of those I didn't think it would work.

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If you didn't already know in the back of the Beyond and Bigger guides there are even more storytime suggestions. There is like 4-5 per genre. I'm always on the look out for all of the storytime suggestions at thrift stores, so I own almost all of them. I let the kids pick which one they want. Also it would be just fine to pick your own, but we have enjoyed all of the HOD suggestion(well all except for Ginger Pye:sleep:).

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If you didn't already know in the back of the Beyond and Bigger guides there are even more storytime suggestions. There is like 4-5 per genre. I'm always on the look out for all of the storytime suggestions at thrift stores, so I own almost all of them. I let the kids pick which one they want. Also it would be just fine to pick your own, but we have enjoyed all of the HOD suggestion(well all except for Ginger Pye:sleep:).


Ginger Pye? Really? I thought it sounded interesting and fun.... we haven't read it yet, but I have been excited about reading it. Was it boring to your family?

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My main reason for asking is because I can't decide on a biography. I don't really want to do the ones suggested. Ben & Me is scheduled as an extension.


Yeah, the extension readers mess things up sometimes. Pedro's Journal is scheduled as an extension in Bigger, but is used as an independent history reader in Preparing. I didn't have my guy read it in case we do Preparing next year. You run into the same problem with Ben and Me. I have probably studied the HOD catalog way too much! :o


BTW, I didn't think Jed Smith looked terribly interesting, but my 10 year old son has really liked it a lot. I guess it's a boy thing. There's a lot of adventure that a boy would like in that one.

Edited by waternclay
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Yeah, the extension readers mess things up sometimes. Pedro's Journal is scheduled as an extension in Bigger, but is used as an independent history reader in Preparing. I didn't have my guy read it in case we do Preparing next year. You run into the same problem with Ben and Me. I have probably studied the HOD catalog way too much! :o


BTW, I didn't think Jed Smith looked terribly interesting, but my 10 year old son has really liked it a lot. I guess it's a boy thing. There's a lot of adventure that a boy would like in that one.


I was thinking the same thing about Pedro's Journal. There is also some overlap in the suggested books for DITHOR too. I guess maybe these ones are just such good books Carrie wanted to make sure they got read one way or another :) So did you have your son read Jed Smith as part of his DITHOR assignment or did you use it for your storytime read aloud? BTW I have been really enjoying our emails :tongue_smilie: Wasn't sure if you realized it was me or not.

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Another question for you ladies. I keep reading about the extension assignments and how some people do the extensions but don't have their child do the assignment that goes with it. I am not seeing any assignments in my guide. Am I missing something? I am pretty tired these days so I very well could just be overlooking it.

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Ginger Pye? Really? I thought it sounded interesting and fun.... we haven't read it yet, but I have been excited about reading it. Was it boring to your family?

Well I was reading it to my dd and we got about half way through until I decided to drop it today. It felt extremely tedious to me to read. The chapters are extremely long and I found it very uninteresting. I asked my daughter today if she even cared to find out what happened and she said no not really. It was extremely liberating to ditch it.:lol: I felt like such a rebel.;)

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Another question for you ladies. I keep reading about the extension assignments and how some people do the extensions but don't have their child do the assignment that goes with it. I am not seeing any assignments in my guide. Am I missing something? I am pretty tired these days so I very well could just be overlooking it.


AFAIK there are no assignments beyond the comprehension questions in the back of the guide (if you pick the books they suggest). I just have dd read a chapter or so a day and then tell me about it. There's enough going on with Bigger that I wanted to keep this fairly low key.

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I was thinking the same thing about Pedro's Journal. There is also some overlap in the suggested books for DITHOR too. I guess maybe these ones are just such good books Carrie wanted to make sure they got read one way or another :) So did you have your son read Jed Smith as part of his DITHOR assignment or did you use it for your storytime read aloud? BTW I have been really enjoying our emails :tongue_smilie: Wasn't sure if you realized it was me or not.


I had him read Jed Smith as a DITHOR assignment. We follow DITHOR pretty loosely. If a worksheet looks like it might help comprehinsion, we do it. If it looks too time consuming, we skip it. We just finished George Rogers Clark as our Story Time Biography read-aloud. My oldest gave Jed Smith an 8 out of 10 in likeability.


I wasn't sure it was you :)

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Another question for you ladies. I keep reading about the extension assignments and how some people do the extensions but don't have their child do the assignment that goes with it. I am not seeing any assignments in my guide. Am I missing something? I am pretty tired these days so I very well could just be overlooking it.


I just have him orally narrate what he read. I don't expect much. They extensions have helped him get a greater understanding of our history readings.

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Well I was reading it to my dd and we got about half way through until I decided to drop it today. It felt extremely tedious to me to read. The chapters are extremely long and I found it very uninteresting. I asked my daughter today if she even cared to find out what happened and she said no not really. It was extremely liberating to ditch it.:lol: I felt like such a rebel.;)

:lol: Such a rebel! I wonder if we will feel the same way about it. You really can't judge a book by the cover... or the summary lol

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Here are the titles I read aloud that we all loved:

Grandma's Attic

Baby Island

Understood Betsy

The Whipping Boy


The titles I thought were mediocre:


The Indian in the Cupboard

Ben and Me


My oldest read these independently and loved them:

Farmer Boy

Encyclopedia Brown

By the Great Horn Spoon


He also read the extension books, enjoying most, with his favorite being Guns for General Washington.

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