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Buying items internationally online - how do I do this?

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I want to buy something from a site in the Netherlands. The cost is in Euros. Is there a way to pay them in Euros, without disclosing my credit card information to a company outside the U.S.? I've already emailed them to see if they have a distributor in the U.S., but I am not hopeful of that, as I have googled like crazy and found nothing. I know shipping is going to be crazy, but this is a special gift.


Surely somewhere on the internet there is a service to do this...



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Personally, I'd just order it. I've ordered from a number of different countries in Europe using my credit card, and never had a problem. (Of course, our CC information was stolen when we used a gas station in Indiana once...)


There are ways to create "temporary credit card numbers" as well -- basically, one-time use numbers, but they go to your regular Visa account. I've done it a long time ago, but no longer remember the details. You could Google, however...


But if it were me, I'd just order.

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I have used my cc on Amazon.de and at several gas stations in Germany and Switzerland without a problem.


If you are concerned about it, call your cc bank and tell them you are making a one-time charge to the Netherlands, the approximate dollar amount, and they should not authorize any others.


Our bank also calls us to verify any unusual charges (weird locations and/or types of stores).


PayPal definitely exists in Europe (and ebay) - you could see if the company takes PayPal.

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