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Does anyone combine MUS with TT?


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I do! I'm not very fancy about it I'm afraid. At the moment, my dd8 is in MUS Delta and TT4. She is required to do annual testing and I started adding in TT to fill in the "gaps" of MUS, because of it's mastery approach to TT's more "public-school" type approach.


FWIW, I did VERY seriously consider buying Mathematical Reasoning(CTC) instead, but I am able to borrow TT and free beats $40 any day.. :lol:


Anyway, since TT is pretty easy at this point.. (having been through a mastery program), what I do is simply have her watch the lectures and take the quizzes until she starts missing questions. If a lesson concept is unfamiliar to her, I would have her actually do the problems in the lesson as well. We did TT3 in Feb-June of last year and I have a fairly aggressive schedule for watching lessons/quizzes for the first part of this year(since we are repeating the first 10 lessons of Delta that we completed last spring as easy review) in hopes of getting through TT5 also(or at least up to where it is challenging for my dd).


HTH and Bump for more replies for you.



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I do! I'm not very fancy about it I'm afraid. At the moment, my dd8 is in MUS Delta and TT4. She is required to do annual testing and I started adding in TT to fill in the "gaps" of MUS, because of it's mastery approach to TT's more "public-school" type approach.


FWIW, I did VERY seriously consider buying Mathematical Reasoning(CTC) instead, but I am able to borrow TT and free beats $40 any day.. :lol:


Anyway, since TT is pretty easy at this point.. (having been through a mastery program), what I do is simply have her watch the lectures and take the quizzes until she starts missing questions. If a lesson concept is unfamiliar to her, I would have her actually do the problems in the lesson as well. We did TT3 in Feb-June of last year and I have a fairly aggressive schedule for watching lessons/quizzes for the first part of this year(since we are repeating the first 10 lessons of Delta that we completed last spring as easy review) in hopes of getting through TT5 also(or at least up to where it is challenging for my dd).


HTH and Bump for more replies for you.




Ok, so you do MUS full time and TT only the lectures and the quizzes, unless she needs more practice?


I'm wondering how long overall it would take to do a lesson a day in each program. My dd does TT already and it usually takes about 45 minutes or so. I'm wondering how long a MUS lesson would take?

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Ok, so you do MUS full time and TT only the lectures and the quizzes, unless she needs more practice?


I'm wondering how long overall it would take to do a lesson a day in each program. My dd does TT already and it usually takes about 45 minutes or so. I'm wondering how long a MUS lesson would take?


We're doing Epsilon and it takes about 30+minutes. I just ordered TT7, but I'm not sure how I'm going to incorporate both into our day. I might do one 3 days per week and one 2 days per week. I doubt I will do both in the same day. My son HATES math and he would just "die" if he had to do both.:glare:

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Ok, so you do MUS full time and TT only the lectures and the quizzes, unless she needs more practice?


I'm wondering how long overall it would take to do a lesson a day in each program. My dd does TT already and it usually takes about 45 minutes or so. I'm wondering how long a MUS lesson would take?


My daughter can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes on her MUS Epsilon, depending on the lesson. Most of the time, it is no more than 15 minutes. There are not a ton of problems on each page, so it makes it nice if you want to combine. :)

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With MUS it really depends how many sections you do per day. There are typically six sections (A-F) followed by the chapter test. As others have mentioned each section doesn't have too many problems. Initially we did *every* section followed by the test (not all in one day). But then we found that was unnesesary unless our dc was having trouble in an area. At that point we do more. If you only do one section per day it shouldn't take too long. But this will vary depending on the concept being taught. It also depends if you are listening to the short video lecture. In Pre-Algebra now we are doing 1.5-2 sections per day plus the video and it takes ~ an hour.


Since both have a different scope and sequence I think it would be less confusing if you alternated days. For example 3 days MUS/ 2 days TT. Then spend more time on each absorbing the material and going a bit further with them on their respective days.

Edited by dereksurfs
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  • 3 weeks later...

We are going to start combining them. Right now, dd is doing TT3, and while she loves it, I don't think everything is totally sticking, or is totally mastered. My friend's dd uses MUS & has been raving about it, so I got Beta, because I also want my ds to use it; I imagine dd will go through it pretty quickly, and then I will have her do Gamma along with TT3 & 4, since Gamma is mostly multiplication. I have been trying to look at the TT workbook to see where they are at, but don't think it can be totally matched up.


I'm just hoping that what they don't get in one, they will fill in with the other!!


I also have them do computer math games, and just got Beast Academy for ds (and possibly dd) to try. I figure you can't do enough math, and unless they feel like they are being tortured :tongue_smilie:, I am going to keep having them do as much as they can.

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  • 7 months later...

I know this is an older thread, and I bumped it to see how the combining is going for anyone that posted in this thread, and to see if anyone else has started or quit. I just purcahsed MUS and because our state requires testing, we want to also use a spiral program. I don't want to overwhelm the dc, and from what I read on the forums and see through samples, TT is enough while not being overwhelming.


My thought is to days each week, one wekk on MWF do MUS and TTH do TT, then the following week do the opposite. Has anyone done that? If so, how did it work? Do you feel behind or is it working well? FWIW, dd will being MUS Alpha next week and we school year round. We will finish the Horizons book she is in, or at least go until she passes the placement test for TT3, then will complete the switch. I feel she is getting a strong base with Horizons.

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Hi Pentecostal Mom,


Our story sounds very familiar to yours with Math.. My daughter is in first going into second. We have used Bju, Horizons, and Saxon.. I just can't seem to find a good fit. I have looked at Singapore and MIF..I feel we need both a conceptual program and a program that gets the basics covered and the math facts down... I would like to try Math u See, but we live in a state that does yearly tests too.. I never thought about combining with TT.. What a great idea! Does TT work on math facts? I am terrified that I am going to mess this whole math thing up...:(((


P.S. I noticed you were doing SL core B. We did core A this year.. Do you like Core B?

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TT does teach math facts, as does MUS. As a matter of fact, the MUS we are starting with, Alpha, is strictly single-digit addition and subtraction. My dd knows some of her facts, though I certainly don't expect her to know all of them yet. I think MUS will help with that since it is mastery based. According to the scope and sequence of TT 3 the first thing it reviews is simple addition and subtraction. My dd is on about lesson 50 of Horizons 1 and is already working on double-digit addition, but without carrying right now. I see her easily testing into TT 3 before we finish Horizons 1. She is very visual and learns quickly when doing video-based work. I do not want her on the computer or watching DVD's all day, but I think with the minimal amount of time spent watching the MUS DVD, combined with the hands-on with the blocks and then the visual with TT will be very compatible with her ;earning style.


I think the most important thing with math is to choose something and stick with it. Since she is only technically in 1st grade, I am still figuring that out, but I think this is my last hurdle. We do use and love SL. We are in the middle of Core B as our school year runs from January-November. Our last day of school is the Friday before Thanksgiving and we resume the first Monday after New Year"s Day. Whatever else we get finished with, we just start the next thing. I don't wait for the school year to begin anew before moving on to the next book.

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Hi Pentecostal Mom,


Our story sounds very familiar to yours with Math.. My daughter is in first going into second. We have used Bju, Horizons, and Saxon.. I just can't seem to find a good fit. I have looked at Singapore and MIF..I feel we need both a conceptual program and a program that gets the basics covered and the math facts down... I would like to try Math u See, but we live in a state that does yearly tests too.. I never thought about combining with TT.. What a great idea! Does TT work on math facts? I am terrified that I am going to mess this whole math thing up... :(((


P.S. I noticed you were doing SL core B. We did core A this year.. Do you like Core B?


I forgot to address your Core B question. Yes, we love Core B. We have chosen SL for the long haul and so glad we did! I tried Notgrass and Beautiful Feet with my olders and while those are both good programs, we just get so much more with Sonlight! My dc love reading, I usually let them color a picture about something we are reading about, or draw pictures. Both my 7yo and 3yo listen.


I did get a few books to go along with it, but I am not a huge crafty/hands-on person, so the things I got were to essentially keep them focused while I read. I bought an Ancient Egypt drawing book, Draw and Write through History and Ancient History coloring book. These are plenty to keep them focused and to enhance their learning.

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Oh, I like how you run your school year. That sounds nice. I'm kind of new to this homeschooling thing.. Do most people use TT a year ahead? My daughter sounds like your daughter she is very visual too. She has struggled with learning to read so I'm hoping I can find a math that she will enjoy. I'm glad you like Core B. We loved the books from A but I thought it was a little choppy.. I was wondering if core B was choppy too?

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Oh, I like how you run your school year. That sounds nice. I'm kind of new to this homeschooling thing.. Do most people use TT a year ahead? My daughter sounds like your daughter she is very visual too. She has struggled with learning to read so I'm hoping I can find a math that she will enjoy. I'm glad you like Core B. We loved the books from A but I thought it was a little choppy.. I was wondering if core B was choppy too?


I don't want to quantify a number of people that use TT ahead. Some use it on grade level. I think whatever works for your dc/family is fine.


As far as Core A being choppy, I hear that a lot. Just remember that Core A is an overview of world cultures, not a systematic teaching. Core B begins the first sweep through history. You can see Sonlight's complete scope here. Another way I make it easier for me is I tend to read across the page instead of down. Say this week I am supposed to read pages 10-20 in a certain book, but they are broken down into two pages per day. I may read that entire section today, and then move to a different book tomorrow. It just depends on the book and how I think I should continue. If this is your first year with SL, consider yourself just getting to "know" the program and how it works. My first year I read everything, on every page, that was supposed to be read that day, and asked evry discussion question. Now, I use the IG as a guide, and we usually discuss as we read and not after. I scan over the questions presented by SL, and use what I think fits us. Sometimes we talk about something totally different.


LOL, I just realized I have hijacked a math thread to a literature thread....oops!

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